Brink report

Just gave it a shot and i have to say it is nice...

You definitely see that they tried adding as many of our ideas as possible.
The only thing which bothers me atm is that it feels a little bit like ETQW atm (but thank god without any vehicles).

Still there has to be a promode to improve it.
my impressions:

- revives take too long
- recoil has to be removed to get some quality into aiming (when holding +attack the recoil is rediculous)
- we need a console
- more customizations re needed (the video options make you change like 5 things)
- over all better performance is needed... (i m having not such a bad pc at all but my game feels pretty laggy)
- the gamemenu is awesome and the idea of customizing your guns is also great (though for a competitive mod this has to be removed)
- the movement is clearly just made for console players... jumping is like moving up 1mm and you instantly move over everything in your way.. guess its still a good base to make some good movement
- moving around feels uncomfortably shaky...
- the objectives are pretty much ETlike...
- colors are really monotone... though the oponents are clearly visible. Still i d love to turn down the textures to picmip 999, because there are details everywhere and its confusing in the beginning..

i m hoping for patches asap with pc performance improvements but overall i think its a nice game and worth it keeping an eye on.
It has a console just not sure if you can enable it without steam : /

Overall i'm also rather positive about this game just don't like the stupid fog/dust - would look better without it and probs would get more fps also.
tbh the makers of brink wanted to make the movement special and completely different to other games ^.^ and about recoil, just shoot in bursts then, in cs also noone gives a shit about it :P

else you got some nice little ideas
the movement is idd special but i still think it can be better (at least for getting some skill into the game, since atm it still doesnt really allow anything else than moving through the map with style)
Just have a look at Quake 4 back in the days. They also wanted to do a new unique movement and tbh, the Q4 movement was one of the best ones i have ever played!
Quotesince atm it (smart) still doesnt really allow anything else than moving through the map with style

i kindly disagree with you.
game has been out for just days for americans and still not for euros.
more advanced "trickjumps" will be found...

i myself have already found some decent :P
i m not talking about trickjumping..
but infight movement and stuff..
You can at least slide around, and I bet you can do various leaps and rolls too. You can shoot while sliding (judging by the videos) but I don't know about the other stuff.
console is ALT + ~ or something like that
Ctr+Alt+^ to open up the console
not Ctr+Alt+~ ??
do u have to buy it? i havnt been following the whole brink thing..
nah it's gratis :pPpPppPpPP

i havent checked this game up yet.. Is it released in europe allready?

Where can i buy it?
tomorrow and for you! :)
release in germany is today
well. even with the copy in hand.. u can't play it until 2 am (cest) as steam have to unlock the game for you.
oh, kay ;)
however, can play zeh cracked sp
Damn you! I'm actually getting half excited about this game as there are some ppl with positive feedback!

Seems like I have to move my PC here and get the game :-d
It looks decent, which is quite a breakthrough because there hasn't been a decent game released in quite a while.
take your time..
it still requires a lot of work and i guess it will be really worth it buying it right when a promod is out which might be in around 2 weeks i guess..

so far you wont experience anything else than what youre able to see on the videos :>
Considering the stuff I have to do for university in the next 1-2 weeks this idea might not be that bad! :-P
whats what im doing, i have exams as my excuse not to get brink :p
I've got exams... and buying brink lawl. :$

Yesterday I couldn't see myself opening the game again. Played it today when I got a bit bored and I'm surprised to say I'm starting to actually like the game. Can't see it replacing ET though, but I can see it stealing a lot from CoD and TF2 players and a few from ET. I haven't even played multiplayer yet, might have to buy the game now. Who said piracy isn't a good thing?!
Agree about the colors, all maps I played so far had that monotonic light blue shade
Console can be enabled by adding +com_allowconsole 1 into the command line.

But my main concerns are the SMART button (Seriously needs to be separated from sprint, I do not want to slide or run up the walls while sprinting.), and the objective lock-on, like constructing shit. Would be much better to make the torch similar to the pliers in ET (Which I believe was done in Wolfenstein 2k9 promod).
There is a console, just add +com_allowconsole 1 into cmd line.
ctrl + alt + \ and u have the console
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