Ask your questions about Brink

Hi crossies,

The French ET Community (Gamefrog) was invited too the pre-launching meeting of Brink yesterday night.

You guys might already know quite a lot of things according to the journals posted these days but you probably still are wondering about some things :

So the first information I can give you, which has been confirmed by a Brink developer, is that the SDK is going to be released next week. I hope that someone like Bani could create a Pro Mode quickly as the game looks quite interesting.

A news is in preparation but I didn't play the PC version yet so I will give you a feedback soon.

If you have any questions to ask, feel free to ask it here on this journal, by PM or on IRC epic`b3ck on
I will send it to the contact I have in Bethesda and you'll get your answers by the end of the week or the beginning of the next one depending of their availabilities.

Thx for the read.
shit game
can you stop writing brink journals?
NP : Justin Bieber - Never Say Never
gtfo with this game already
ahah you mad :D
pls man recently 1/2 journals are about this game and i bet that im not the only one who whine about it. just make 1 sticky topic at forums and add your all reflections there
I know mate but it has nothing to do with reviews. I'm just telling that I have a contact in Bethesda Studios and that people can ask him questions if they want to. It's pretty different :)
What about classes? Can you respawn? Hows the movement?

pretty basic but I hope you can answer me.
a) No
b) No
c) No
No one cares what you say you aint getting attention you ******
shit, yes, shit

For the moment I just tested the XBOX 360 version.

1) About the classes it kinda looks like ET :
- Engies got to build primary objectives
- Medics can heal and revive their teammates
- Soldiers can give ammos and play with heavy weapons
- Agents (covert ops) can be disguised and do secondary objectives

So it's totally based on teamplay, which is a good point.

2) About the respawns, of course you can. But, because there's alway a but, there is no spawntimer so it's pretty random :s I hope they're gonna change it in the next patch.

3) Just played the XBOX 360 version atm but I will play the PC one tomorrow so I can tell more. But from what I experienced, it's really slow. More like COD moves to be honest. SMART is cool but it's not really interactive, there's no challenge when you play with it.
When you shoot there's a lot of recoil after 10 bullets out. You have to control your spray then.
You can't shoot while sprinting (but I heard it's a capacity you can learn with Experience points)

I don't want to make stupid conclusions based on a XBOX 360 test so I will let you know what it really is about.
Thanks for your reply mate!
Im gonna download it to test the gameplay.. Hope its not that laggy on my PC.

I dont care the movement to be like COD since I like/liked the COD series too (COD-COD4) and BO on PS3.
Try this website :
It's a java based online program that scans your computer and tells you if your comp fits the minimum requirements for any software you want :)
Yes I know that one :)
I dont want to play the game with 30 fps or something xD

Will do when Im at home.. cheers
why is it named brink
because "the ark" was already taken

(and this is in fact true)
I hope that someone like Bani could create a Pro Mode quickly

So it happens just like ETpro 4+yrs of no Updates? i don't think so........if a person sells you broken car you go back to buy another broken car? NO!
image: tumblr_lkfd9aVlfY1qc646ho1_500

MFW dat laggy feeling
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