queens vs dignitas drama
12 May 2011, 20:35
So here's what happened:last week dignitas asked for reschedule and queens agreed, this week queens have lineup issues but dignitas said they can't play 1h later so queens took mercs. queens gathered at server, dignitas failed to gather whole team on time (21:10 according to rules) so after some time queens left and claimed forfeit. when main admin showed up dignitas said they can play at 22. problem?
Rules are rules.
allowing a player not currently involved in the competition/cup to play over a player thats still involved sounds reasonable to me
kinda lame to take a forfeit over a team that allowed you to use mercs rather than take the forfeit over you
Technically not, since dignitas didn't have 5 players either.
how is that relevant at all? There's no such thing like that anyway. IF there is a reschelude it means both sides are fine with the new date and time. What is done is done and it shouldnt be used to back up another team when a real problem occurs. You make it sound like Queens would've a reason to act retarded...
after forfeit claimed and admins goes online:we can play 22
but still fucking lame from queens
hope queens get forfeit