queens vs dignitas drama

So here's what happened:last week dignitas asked for reschedule and queens agreed, this week queens have lineup issues but dignitas said they can't play 1h later so queens took mercs. queens gathered at server, dignitas failed to gather whole team on time (21:10 according to rules) so after some time queens left and claimed forfeit. when main admin showed up dignitas said they can play at 22. problem?

Quote by rulesIf a team does not arrive 10 minutes post the start of a scheduled match, they will forfeit that match.

If a team does not arrive 10 minutes post the start of a scheduled match, they will forfeit that match.

Rules are rules.
OOOOO U TURD ! before me :<
Queens does not have a forfeit win since mercs are not allowed in the cup. Neither team had a full lineup on the server.
queens had mercs allowed by dignitas
I would assume d. changed their miNd about the mercs when Queens tried to claim forfeit themselves.
Maybe so but once they say they can use mercs I dont think they can go back on it. I mean queens will have proof dignitas said they could.
The good-will gesture of allowing mercs can't be abused for their own unfair advantage, even if it's not directly said so in the rules. That much should be common sense.
I agree with both sides in principle. However queens allowed dignitas to reschedule and Dignitas didnt allow queens the same privilege. Queens also asked if they could use xylos as a merc and werent allowed. Dignitas wouldnt allow queens to move the game to 22 cet either!
but hey now they allow 22 :D
Ye, pretty retarded.
Too little too late if you ask me.
who were the mercs that they were allowed to use?
Flopjehz for mind and clown for toxic although toxic connected before the 10mins were up!
havent really paid any attention to this cup but i'm guessing flopjehz and clown arent in teams/arent involved in the cup anymore, where as xylos still is as he's playing with you?

allowing a player not currently involved in the competition/cup to play over a player thats still involved sounds reasonable to me
On that part i agree with you. My point is that dignitas shot themselves in the foot!
perhaps, but dignitas could've just as easily taken a forfeit when queens needed to use mercs? the fact they said they couldnt play at 22 shouldnt matter as it could be they'd just prefer not to play then since it's late and they might want to sleep etc

kinda lame to take a forfeit over a team that allowed you to use mercs rather than take the forfeit over you
I just think in the end, the game should have been rescheduled at the start when queens couldnt field their 5. Queens allowed them to reschedule last week. Why win games playing against a team with their weak lineup...
Quotebut dignitas could've just as easily taken a forfeit when queens needed to use mercs?

Technically not, since dignitas didn't have 5 players either.
dignitas had 5 but one couldnt connect (or so i heard?) so technically had 5, could've said he'll connect when they have players, queens however DIDNT have 5 and this is why they needed to use a merc
Isnt it so that they actually need 5 players present on the server? :s
"queens allowed dignitas to reschedule"

how is that relevant at all? There's no such thing like that anyway. IF there is a reschelude it means both sides are fine with the new date and time. What is done is done and it shouldnt be used to back up another team when a real problem occurs. You make it sound like Queens would've a reason to act retarded...
Its common courtesy to repay a compliment. If a team allowed us to reschedule id allow them to do the same...
what an unfair play by queens then..
queens had to use mercs because d. refused to move game to 22
but queens call a forfeit cuz dignitas was late ? ye its quite fair!
before game:we can't play 22
after forfeit claimed and admins goes online:we can play 22
probably one or more from dignitas didn't want to play cuz of work/school/whatever, but if they have to they can ?
but still fucking lame from queens
roba did queens ask for xylos as merc and they did't allow him?
wtf :DD

hope queens get forfeit
If enemy says they can use mercs, then its allowed.
reload likes to suck cocks.
Play it damnit me bored
the drama
u could pull a movie out of this with all the drama included
ye and reading the comments I think there are a lot of emotions involved. fucking nerds lol
20 or 30 mins after queens left ppl were still talking whats happening, my et was minimized while i was reading what drunken miNd is talking about :D
This is hilarious. I love this community. Neither party sticks to the rules and then requests that everyone should stick to the rules.
This post makes too much sense to be on CF :D
Best comment I have ever read on crossfire!
both teams just piss over specs
since when you are following the rules? didnt you break them some time ago in EC?
looks like both teams acted retarded, gj to dumb admins as well!
just reschedule the game tbh
at the end of the day, in a mature way, we asked them to make this game a hour later, they said no, which this is what we begged them to do, as we did let them play a week later as they couldnt play the first time when it was ment to be played, im sorry but they waited a extra hour on ettv tryin to get a forfeit themselves so im sure the " we cant play a hour later was just bullshit " if they agreed to play a hour later the game would of been over and done with.
If Queens agree to postpone the match and dignitas can't delay match for hour that's just BS (they were all on server after that anyway)
why u all fucking care about one fucking game? deal with it how they want to play. if queens wouldn't be able to get a lineup for this day, then in my opinion dignitas should win bei forfeit. if both teams aren't able to have a full lineup on server, then it have to be rerescheduled ...
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