
New PC ftw <:o)

gekregen van die lieve sint :)


AMD Athlon 64 3800+ 2.4 Ghz
Kingston 2048MB DDR2 533Mhz Value
Asus M2N AM2 n-Force
XFX7300 GT
SunbeamSamurai Red
SpireRocketeer 400 wat

just flame around a bit..
this is a useless journal :)
gratz, i wish the sint could give me a pc 8]
you time will come, my son
nice amount of RAM, the rest just sucks :P (but is better as my PC ;D)
verwend kind , met zulke slechte cijfers krijgt ie nog een nieuwe pc:p
nice, only buy other vga :p
QuoteAll my life I wanted a computer, now all I want is my life back!
k, the sint wasn't very pleased with you!

if he was he would have given you a nice dual core.
and more watts power supply.

GG on the ram tho.
Sint is vroeg dit jaar.
maakt mij geen zak uit :p
no amd2 rofl thats crappy
conroe rules!! :)

i like meory ram.. i only have 512mb... :x
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