BRINK highfps config


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e: can anyone do m_smooth 0 ?
go into options and set everything on the highest point which u can set. then go into ur videocard drivers and do something there.
lowest point*
but the easiest way to do it :o

oh i only read high and though he wants high definition :D
shit game
my profile
didn't erally understand anything for first playing time, how I can even change my name?

or volunterily, how I can open consoe and change cfg's

or what is steam's direct folder

didnt find crap when i googled yesterday :<
thx tho actually gave me a couple fps, although i cant seem to be able to change m_smooth to 0 for some reason
can you upload the config?

link doesnt work for me that skyz linked! :D
hm doesnt work for me either anymore :D

and all i did was enter random cmds in console since i cant find any cfg in my cracked brink!
try and find a etqw config :D
^ +1

It's all on the iD Tech 4 engine, so high FPS settings in ETQW should carry over to BRINK as well.
Is there any console on Brink ?
Is there something like r_picmip ?
start with +com_allowconsole "1"

vt_lodbias is the new picmip
already sets lodbias to 0 using the configurator
so set it to 3000?
r_shadows 0


r_threadedrenderer 2 if you have a multi-core cpu
actually r_threadedrenderer 2 lowers my fps by around 20 for some reason =/

got an E8400 @ 3ghz
try r_threadedrenderer 4 :0
just to be a dick. im on fullest quality and mines running SICK!
my gfxcard is better than yours, yet my fps is unstable as shit and even when i reach the stable-ish 70 (when looking at the floor) it feels like 30 fps

Dude :D its not a secret its just get PC. gfx card isnt all I have a ati 5870 its newer than the nvidia 9800 but its not better. Good cpu, power etc is the 1!
Just to be a dick. I had SEX!
shitgame will even lag on 8core =D
well peopple are lagging ass hell even their pc is new and have the best shit but it is ATI videocards what makes ppl lagg, they are working on it hopeso soon it will be updated and working :)
A mate installed three month old ATI driver and all works fine now :)
gfx name? wich drivers?
29 fps with ATI 6870 , AMD phenom 1055T , 6 GB RAM

very sad tbh. i thought after the Black Ops fiasco people would test their shit.

This again shows how little they care about the PC community
maybe you need to change your drivers. tweak a bit the cfg and stuff.

on one of my pc, i got amd phenom2 955 (4x3.2ghz) 4go ram ATI 5770 and it work pretty well.

but actually new game are not fixed yet to be played with newer hardware.
just did the r_shadows thing it's up by 15 now , which healps a little

but eversince i used that config builder thing my sound is fucked
i guess its directx problem (try to install de last one), my mates had it aswell at starting this game and it solved problem
why did you buy an ATI ? (amd)

My one and only and last was my 9800 pro 128 mb :D

You'll never have any problem with opengl games.
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