Friday the 13thndst

image: DynamoFestival_Review_1998_Chuck

Happy Birthday to you Chuck Schuldiner, as gay as this may seem, you really rocked my world <3

RIP, In your case rot in Hell :)

Death <3
And I got my driving license today ^^
for me it's every day feels like friday the 13th :')
In the month of May I've had around 8 little accidents. In four cases I ended up in the hospital. Most of the time it's my own fault and it's because I'm too busy and nervous running around without even considering taking a breath or pause.

Result for this month so far: 12 sutures, 1 broken toe, I fainted twice and a lot of blood in general.

I won't even mention the other months.
haha I thought I was unlucky with a crushed thumb and dislocated shoulder in the one year :x
ye well, last saturday at work I first fell of the stairs and my heel was whide open and bleeding like shit. After an half an hour, my feet all packed in bandage, I went back to work and it was, except for some little pain, all fine.

Three hours later I fell of the same stair, I had to go to the hospital and they concluded that I had broken my toe... I fainted on the road to the hospital.

The only smiley that explains my feelings later that night when I sat at home was: " :') "
Mijn tante is masseuse, ik kan wel wat regelen voor jou? Omdat je het zo zwaar hebt :[
Ik heb het niet zo zwaar, ik ben gewoon wat druk, gehaast en vreselijk onhandig... Ik heb gewoon vaak "wat"... :(
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