Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - England Teaser

Already they are working on it.

Osama is dead Evidence.
image: proof_that_osama_is_dead_jpg
love the picture
ye knew it for long time , since NGT Reported about it.
Convincing. He must be dead.
Oh man what a trailer! I'm totally hyped about this game now! Shit's gonna be so cash!
bet they gonna put osama in it as finalboss, and plz god let it be somewhere in balkan country's(tsjernobyl :D) or russia cuz those are the best atmospheres to play in really
you like white maps?
what do you mean white maps?
russia = ice = white environment
ye i like those more then the normal maps tho... or either that prison lvl in mw2 (or blackops i dunno which one) fu that one was awesome (think it was blackops) that one was in russia too. or atleast some big landscape maps those are the good ones. not some shitty brazil streets fight or shootings in the middle of USA blocks with houses etc. (that burgerking lvl was also annoying to me) ya un'stan' im sayin'?
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