First Brink thoughts

So, I got back home from my vacation with the nice package from Amazon waiting on my door, 2 copies of Brink! (one for the missus). A quick download later and away we go into what is hopefully a new and exciting game...

I had read some positive comments here on CF, Shewie inparticular gave me real hope that there was potential in the game then I get in game and I'm wondering what the heck he was smoking.

What am I doing wrong that the game seems so confusing and without a point to it. The objectives you're supposed to complete are something of a mystery and it takes forever to get to them with the odd movement in the game.

I get the engine is weak, but I mean aiming is all over the shop, bullets dont register in the areas you're hitting at times it seems there is no discernable difference between shooting someone in the toe and shooting them center mass. There are HUGE lag issues, I played on two UK servers both repeating the issues.

I REALLY want to like Brink, there hasn't been a good FPS since COD4 - Are there things I can do to improve this game clientside?
Hey no Brink flaming in here.
ET > all

That will help you change some of the CFG settings. I turned everything off, or down low and that has helped massively on my awful computer.
ET > all
Unfortunatly i think you have being playing on duff servers since the reg is fine for me and i know some people have been suffering with lagg but all of g5 were lucky enough to get away without it. The maps are really well done and with some modding it's just going to be epic for competative play. I really think this game is going to be the next big thing. Love it atm

image: g5brinknade
I'm wondering if it can save (put an end to) the ET community...
I really believe it willl. Not had so much fun on a public server since starting off on ET with kevin, goso and skydeh. This is just like 5 years ago, feels so new and fun i only think big things will happen!
Hope I will like it as much as you are. Atm I just tried it on XBOX 360, with a 70 fov and an medium body. It was way too slow so I didn't really like it.

If you guys are planning to play together as a team or as a community, I'd like to be part of it since I don't like being "FOREVER ALONE" while playing online games :p
keep the CF community together and we'll be strong. Same people new game.
& same cheaters 8D
rambo medic !
how many hs do i need to kill someone ?
are there hitsounds ?

possible to sprint and shoot at the same time ?
ironsight - needed ? can i disable it ?
if i aim on the head, do i make a headshot or do i have to aim ccs-like on the ground to make a hs ?
Aim at the head for headshots, sometimes a chest shot turns into a headshot when they try to SMART on you

You don't need to use iron sights if you don't want to but at distance it helps

You can sprint and shoot i believe never really paid attention to it

You can interupt the reload animation by shooting which is epic
is the game tweakable ?
What about those light bodytype hyperniggers zerging round the map. Cunts.
yes, im using my old et:qw/wolfenstein cfg, wich works great
so there actually are hs?

are the tj (strafe) part of et is gone though?
Made another journal for all those who want to know about strafing :P
how many hs do i need to kill someone ?
depends on weapon, buffs etc.

are there hitsounds ?
no, but when you hit someone, a little hit indicator flashes around your crosshair.
sounds distracting, but it isnt.

possible to sprint and shoot at the same time ?

ironsight - needed ? can i disable it ?
on long range they are surely helping, on medium and short i dont use them at all.
just unbind the key lal

if i aim on the head, do i make a headshot or do i have to aim ccs-like on the ground to make a hs ?
herpderp, even et has spread

look for yourself
showgun 0 ftw !
takes forever to reach the obj? I play it on the xbox360 with "light body" and its not hard at all.. actually i die most times infront of the obj... and i love the way they implented the excorting stuff.

for the aiming: cant say how it feels on the pc.. ye its a bit odd on the xbox360 but thats with every shooter on console :S

overall i like the game alot. With light body you can run everywhere rly fast and do some nice jumps and movements. you can strafe while shooting and with red-dot the ironsight isnt even that annoying. Playing with heavy-body is really boring tho.

actually i can imagine it to be a really nice game for competition. There is alot of potential in the "smart" movement. atleast on the xbox360 it gives you a real advantage during the infight if you can use it properly :P

waiting for some performance patch and if it would run fine on my laptop i will even buy the pc version.
or maybe someone can borrow me a cd-key / steam accouint so i can try it out :)
if you end up deciding it's hopeless, i'll gladly take your missus key! =D
Can't say I agree. I have no lag issues and bullets register fine for me. There are definitely problems, but I don't think the ones you addressed are that much of a concern for some people (I'm told a patch came out last night that helped with lag issues though??).

QuoteWhat am I doing wrong that the game seems so confusing and without a point to it. The objectives you're supposed to complete are something of a mystery and it takes forever to get to them with the odd movement in the game.

Someone who plays ET for the first time has the same thoughts, you just need to play a bit more and learn the objectives. You can also press mousewheel to update the objectives you are supposed to do.

The movement is exactly the same like it is in CoD as far as I know, just tap sprint when you're not shooting and you will move pretty fast. For the space & slide thing, you'll just have to get used to it like you will have to get used to the objectives-system. If you think the game is too slow then you could higher your fov a bit, since it's on a very low standard value, the command is g_fov.

QuoteI get the engine is weak, but I mean aiming is all over the shop, bullets dont register in the areas you're hitting at times it seems there is no discernable difference between shooting someone in the toe and shooting them center mass. There are HUGE lag issues, I played on two UK servers both repeating the issues.

I personally really like the engine and most of the people I've talked with have the same feeling. If you think the bullets don't register where you are aiming then you should learn how the spreadsystem works for a start. Besides that, they do hit right where you are aiming. Without trying to flame you, you have never been world's best aimer and with your allways fully loaded schedule I can only imagine it got a lot worse.

For the lag issues, I haven't experienced any at all, except for one short spike where the entire server lagged out for a couple of seconds. I've played numerous hours today so I can live with that statistic.

As far as changing things client-side would help you, I can only suggest to tweak your config until it's perfect for you, most likely that would be a very low detailed config.
how do you open the console to enter the commands.
you can either do control + alt + the console button

or add the command line which is : +com_allowconsole 1 , you can add the line by rightclicking on Brink in steam, and going to start up options (or something like that).
Hmm ok got it working but the command line I type in isn't working :/.
the command line works in the way that you can open console by just pressing the single button then
play on or any other professional dedicated host, keep playing and you'll start to enjoy don't worry. Xp system makes it more confusing cause of the upgrades you sometimes don't understand why people dont die or how they can kill you that fast. Only real problem is some of the spawn positions and intervals for the defence which makes it impossible to attack.
is it really a good game then? :p
it has potential yes
Really odd that you say the reg is off, that's one thing that I've seen a lot of people (including myself) say is really great with the game. I do get what you mean by there's no difference between hitting the toe to the head, or so it seems. I think this is down to no hitsounds.

As for the game's objectives, there is indeed a massive learning curve to experience but, in reality, it's just doc runs, hacks, destroys and escort missions - something we're all familiar with here. The map layouts are pretty shoddy, though.
What? When I hit a headshot they die like in 1 or 2 sprays. If not its like an entire clip.
I know there really is a difference, but I'm saying that it's hard to REALLY tell due to lack of hitsounds.
Well yeh, you don't know for sure I guess.
g5 in pimpin' hats
image: ?tab=public
Who hacked tosspots account?
i thinks its pretty good, definitely needs work. but seems that i can't change my fov atm with "g_fov" i was able to yesterday... but today looks like its locked on default "g_fov 70" for some odd reason :( might be the servers but idk
"g_fov" was changed to "ui_fov" in the latest patch, thats why it doesnt work :)
Who are you and what is this?
The class system is the only thing brink borrowed from et, and even then its shit (lolwtfturrets) Brink might turn out to be a decent game, but it wont a ET substitute

ET still alive, 7 years and counting
make it 8 years :')
Released 29 May 2003
And currently its may 15 :)
plz i thought april and may so confusing srry m8
It reminds me of when I first played ET. I hated it and said I would never play it again because it was so confusing, complicated and hard. Little did I know would I end up playing it for 6 years, nearly everyday :D

Unlike ETQW and Wolfenstein, this game isn't broken at the core (the engine). The gameplay needs some tweaking and modding, just like vanilla ET to etpro.

But I can't see many ET players moving to Brink. I think it's going to generate a mix of players from other games and a few from ET.
was expecting a constructive journal :d i'm still doubting to buy brink but don't want to spend 50 euros on a Wolfenstein/bf2142/Frontlines:fuel of war game.
well if you played etqw then you might as well just get this game :)
One of the only games in the past few years that i have enjoyed playing public on. Played a few 5on5s and the game is so objective based it is really enjoyable. The spawntimes for defence should be altered as too many maps the defence find it easy to hold/defuse the objective. Generally, the hitboxes are fine but occasionally they are a bit off.

Basically, i believe this game has huge potential and with some tweaks, could be a great competitive game. Finally a game where you dont get xp/awards for ramboing.
Going to buy it today (sunday, 0:43 atm). Hoping it aint a fail game! So if some1 wants to have some pub fun, give a pm and ill give some more specified info!
well, they tried, but this is mediocre
Summer is coming, stay away from games Stu!
Engine is good, hitreg is ok.

But game is still unfinished:
map have some bugs,
smart button has bugs
and the gameplay should be changed because it's just one big mess atm.
and indoor bulletproof windows are together with the aimbot medic revive stuff one of the biggest joke ever(you can add the obj wallhack there). Who ever invented this shouldn't touch a computer anymore. Same goes with this reviving stuff: enemy has about 5 seconds to gib: medic needs to switch weapon(oh wait.... lazy press f and walk auto in same speed towards him?) you receive the needle, injecting takes about 3 secs? and in 5 seconds most weapons shoot about 30 bullets. This makes sure all maps are like Oasis in ET: run run run run run spot enemy - die - run run run run run run spot enemy - etc. Only this is destroying the fast gameplay. And proberly it's implented so ppl actually start to revive, good for public maybe. But for "matches" it's a big NO (didn't check if it's also in matches tbh :D)

for more whine, ask pinkyy
i like BRINK!
Cause its something new with much potential!
W8 for promod and everything will be fine!
the CoD community promod the TF2 community promode or the ET one ?
well but what do you do when the competitive LANs what ever rather go for the CoD one with more emphasis on Ironsight and shitz
The BRINK one.
implying there will be just one
I liked brink...
Then I played it...
OMG OMG OMG 20 FPS?! What the fuck?! My cfg is dirty yet!
Hmm... Gonna play ET!
all it think of is stu.
expected a <3BRINK journal , iam surprised that their are still some ppl who arent actually blended by the hype

That feel when only receiving Brink on monday because of slow Finnish postal service ;__;
Has some bugs and needs more HUD command variables (ex: the size of the icons on the screen is WAAAAAAAY too big !)
If you're getting poor performance , you might wanna make your own config and update your video drivers :)

But yeah overall there's still some polishing to be done
Just play the parkour this challenge for two hours and you will love the game xD
doubt it will be a hit and really doubt anytime soon there will be a new awesome mp fps game
At the moment I cant fucking stand the game..
some really oldschool palyors showing up atleast!
Im just baffled at the moment because how can you compare this to the herpderp Brink hold shift and spam space movement. *sigh*
normally you cant but people are obviously desperate :D

not my 5 cents,still nerding sc2!
welcome to crossfire´s "3-4 months-excitement-and-hype-when-a-new-game-is-released-and-then-gets-forgoten"
youre cooler than this
Well that was nice example about the jumping/strafing. Somebody made a journal about "you can strafe in Brink". Have to say it is not strafing. People it is not about "how it looks" it is about how it feels and does it have challenge? Seeing ET QL WSW etc and saying to my self "wou I want to learn that". This wou did not came when seeing Brink "jumping".

I think that football would be fucking boring if everybody could do same things as Ronaldo or Messi. Don't you think?
I was iffy at first, but now that I've got 8 to 9-ish hours of play, I'm enjoying. Don't know if it's going to stick around more than half a year though.
What beggin said. It gets more and more enjoyable after few hours of playing and getting to know the maps and objectives, just like ET.

However, the bugs and lack of balance in few situations are a bit problematic.

Also r_shadows 0 seems to be a really magic command.

e: oh, and I've actually enjoyed playing it 8 hours in a row, even though I haven't played any PC game for few months
A lot of the performance issues are inherent of the IDTech4 engine just being a purely bad engine for cross-compatibility.The game does however have more potential out of the box than both ET:QW and the new Wolfenstein combined.

The biggest issue I see for competition play is the slow objective build times, and for that mostly the engineer and covert hack objectives simply take way to long to complete. Unfortunately I do not think we can modify the build times without mod tools.

some screenshots
- With a config; both player and server modified config (SW mode etc)
sample server config
- sample modified server.cfg
I really like the game. And I'll love it even more when the first maps for competitive play are coming out. I find the current ones a bit too messy.
Nerver said it was the best mutiplayer game of all time , just that it has a great potential, now we just need to wait for a pro mod and for some nice server configurations
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