Need some PC Techs help!

I've been piecing my own computer together after spending a load of well earnt money on everything that was needed. w00t

I got everything working eventually, or well, almost.

There seems to be some problem with the video input.
Because when I connect the cable from the screen to the computer, the screen lights up only to display the message No Video Input. When I take out the cable it tells me that I need to Check The Signal Cable. So the screen recognize the signal coming through, only thata there's nothing on display :(

I've only got a VGA LCD screen, and the video card (Radeon HD 6900) only has a DVI-I and a DVI-D socket. I own a VGA/DVI-A adapter which I've put in the DVI-I socket and after that I've connected the VGA cable. Does it matter if it's DVI-I or DVI-A? I haven't found a proper answer.

Or could something else be wrong?

If you have any knowledge in the matter and can help me find out what's wrong, you'd make me a happy gamer (:

Thanks in advance.
its possible that the dvi isn't analog compatible in which case you'd need a converter..
Ergh... Well that'd suck. I'm unfortunately not at home, so I can't check all the manuals and stuff at the moment.
upgrade your monitor!!!!
It's a nice monitor, but yeah. I've been considering it..
on top of that i think your journal would be more popular if you added pictures, llamas and attractive women are a common theme, and a suitable bandwagon for some social hitch hiking
Do you have a button on your monitor to change from analog to digital? Try changing that, pc's in college often have this problem they are dell monitors tho.
Unfortunately, nope :(
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