this scares me

Sup cf,

so ive recently been watching a few video's with social studys n stuff
& i came across what they call "the bystander effect" & this realy scared me
the more ppl there are the less likely you are to get help

theres tons of diff video's of other social studys
this is a playlist from vsauce with diff experiments

image: 164722_10150127970862037_179500927036_8513814_8073834_n
pussies these days
ppl who believe in area51 and illuminati scare me
basically you're afraid of americans
Look at the Open Your Eyes journal by applesauce. Pretty funny. He thinks he figured stuff out by his amazing researching skills. :) (watching youtube vids)
nonono u got it all wrong
the point of that journal was to make ppl think about stuff instead of just believing what tv says, its never bad to question things
Quoteso lately ive been watchin alot of videos n stuff [..] so i found video's with conspiracy theorys about 9/11 & stuff illuminati, area 51, government lies,...

at first i thought "wow this is total bs" untill i started to get into it & started to look up stuff, cuz this stuff isnt just gonna come floating up, u have to look for it"

You should express yourself more clearly then. This implies that you no longer think area 51 etc is bullshit and that your eyes were opened by some random youtube vids. :p

Anyway good thing I got it wrong then!
yea i guess i didnt rly make my point clear x)
yes yes i was a big fanatic but i dont rly believe in illuminati, altho there has to be smthin strange in area51, why els would they keep it such a big secret?

image: I-know-Osamas-Dead-cause-Tv-says-so
scares me too
Maybe because they're testing their new military technology in Area 51?
2:20 "oh whoa whoa wo wo wo tv tv cop's right there" sounded like Peter Griffen.
SaveaChicken 2 weeks ago
continue to live in your dream world if you really needed school studies to realise this, but well its all about the books these days
i dont live in a dream world, i knew this stuff happends even before i saw those video's
i just think its intesting to actualy see happen & learn about these things, so i figured, why not share it with the ppl on crossfire..

ive actualy seen something simular happen to an old lady a few months ago, she was being harassed in the station & no1 helped here, when we interfiered alot more ppl came to help

also i dont learn about this stuff in school & i dont read books about this whatsoever
but very cute try on the insult tho :)
What is there to learn about it, That most ppl these days are born without spines?

Our society constantly tells us to mind our own business, cause if we dont we get punished.
It's the way we're raised my media and the school.

If you really are interested about why the daily humans are the way they are you should start thinking about what kind of information and signals media sends out. cause media is one of the big roles in why daily humans gets more and more twisted.
well i'm glad to inform u that i do think about what information the media sends out, for example with the whole "osama dead thing" i find it rly disturbing that ppl just believe it cuz tv said so
& i am indeed intrested in why ppl do what they do
Okey :-) well have some thoughts about, what a successful & good looking woman / man sends out for signals to kids. Daily stuff they see in commercial and tv, models,famous actors musicians etc.

and by kids i mean 7-18 yo
didn't read or watch. but looked i did
not being funny but the main reason people wouldnt help is because kids actualy do things like that. scream your not my dad to make the dad let go because the dad wouldnt buy them a new bike, or let them stay over a m8s house or w.e.

loads of times ive seen kids in supermarkets screaming GET OFF ME GET OFF ME HELP. to the parent just so the parent will give in and buy them the sweets they want.

if i saw a kid screaming that i would just think the dad didnt buy the kid what they wanted so the kids screaming shit. to many times ive seen that happening so...

but obviously in this screnario its pretty clear the man came from nowhere and grabbed the girl and the people who are watching are all actors. if i saw a random man grab a kid like that in the street from nowhere id knock him out where he stands though.
yea thats true, kids do that alot
but thats the sad thing rly, ppl just asume
or just dont want to get involved cuz they are doin smthin els
you cant intervene everytime u see something like that.

like i said i see kids doing exactly that in the supermarket, you realy going to go and start laying into the parent because your not sure if hes kidnapping the kid or not. id get arrested once a week rofl.

and frankly it would then look like you were beating up the dad to then steal the kid urself haha.
:D yea thats true
but in cases where its rly obvious i doubt most ppl will do anything :(
this video isnt real, its all a setup and i can guarantee you the people walking past are actors. thers no way they would risk doing a stunt like that for real. the mans life is in danger by this. There are so many people that would react violently when seeing something like this irl.

but think about it this way, the exact moment the dad grabs the kid noone will be paying attention, so the initial grab wasnt thought of anything. then soon as teh screaming starts then people turn and see whats going on. so all people see is a man pulling a kid along with the kid screaming.

the amount of times when i was like 5 that i did shit like that is ridiculous, im glad that people didnt step in because id have to witness my mum/dad getting beaten by a stranger.
My thoughts exactly. Pretty shitty job.
Similar situation happened to us. We were on the way to work in the snow & an old man had fallen on the pavement and was unconscious. Cars slowed down to look & people crossed to road to avoid him, we had to go and pick him up, take him home & call his son. Some people reach for the camera phone to record before offering help, absolute cunts.
thank god there are still ppl that are nice in this world like you guys :)
Tbh, in that situation I wouldn't think twice. Who cares if the potential abductor could hurt me or not, if I get in there to give the kid enough time to run away for help then I did what I needed to do.
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