LoL -Ler skates
15 May 2011, 16:56
Your favorite champion(s) and Rating?
i like irelia ,AP taric, pantheon and brand
no rating atm. 2/2 win/loss (solo)
i like irelia ,AP taric, pantheon and brand
no rating atm. 2/2 win/loss (solo)
and i am trying rumble out which i like cause of the overheating system ^_^
no rating level 25 :(
AP tf, morde(es#1), malz
"Tanky" irelia jarvan
tis zelfde basics ma tis totaal verschillend
like shaco,akali,nidalee the most
AP Taric? Support Taric <3
shen as tank
janna as supporter
amumu as jungler
akali, kata and kennen for ap
mostly played with mf... i own everyone mid
champs i dont like to play are gankplank, sivir, trundle, shaco
2. Tryndamid
3. Cait
4. Kennen
5. Poppy
6. Jax
7. Trundle
8. Olaf
9. Sion
Most pwnage: Malzahar
Just OP: Mordekaiser+Rumble
AP: Cassiopeia, Malz, Anivia
Anti Carry: Xin
Support: Soraka
Jungle: Nunu, Trundle, Amumu
Tank: Shen
Depends what team comp we're playing with!
h3h3 noobs
AP: malzahar anivia
Jungle: warwick
tank: malphite rammus shen
Normal: Gragas, Malphite, Xin
Rating: 1337 (srsly, check it, ingame nick templarjee)
Miss Fortune