Dear Russians.

I hate every single one of you. Take that!
Artyukhin, learn to play, and learn to fight with glass, kthxbai

Czech Republic Fuck yeah!Czech Republic

And for the finals, SUOMI GO GO GO!
troll fo
Y' all russians jelly, that u cant beat small country in the central europe, that u've fucked up in 20th century? Deal with it.
What does the size of a country has to do with that .. so much fail
Russia: 143 milions of inhabitants
Czech republic: 10 milions of inhabitants

Lets say for instance, that one of milion newborns are natural hockey talents.
You see? They have 14 times more of them than us. So FO
india: 1000 milions of inhabitants
hockey professionals: 0
Good point, russians chances are even bigger, cos their land is only ice and shit.
HaHa u mad prick
here we go...
NO POCAL FOR BYKOV so sad :-(((

ovechin 0+0 :-D
Yeah, thats the biggest trolololo of the championship :D
Nice match btw

and i hope Sweden will win, cuz only champions can beat us :)
Well, and if finland will win, that will mean that we have betaen even the champions ;
imho been beaten by champs is better then beat champs and be beated by some1 who is 2nd so haters would speak about luck agains them :) ..... btw czech repre was beaten on friday 13th.. oh sooo unlucky :(
y, fuck u russians!
got the hate from my mum!
I wanted to write that it was a fun game ect, but you know what? Fuck you. Seriously. Enjoy your small country inferiority complex.
Yeah, like last year where big headed russians took their silver medals off. This yearn, they didnt had anything to take off :D
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