Random in life

Yo guys & girls, I am looking for some attention.

Do you believe in random ? I mean seriously, random doesnt exist. If you would know every circumstances. Nothing would be random anymore. Mindfuck.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5Sd5c4o9UM love this song
It's called determinism.
This journal is now about BRINK and how awesome fun the clan matches are
To be honest, I really would like to hear something about brink. Is that any good or fail like wolf2 ?
Seems like it's going to be the next big thing to me....no lie :o
so far when they asked questions about the game u gave wrong answers. u are dumb and cant judge shit.
couldn't have said it better:) well done
it's a nice game indeed. except for one thing: the STABILITY IS TOTAL BULLSHIT -.-
I actually do have a question -

Do games like 3vs3 or 4vs4 seem viable or?
Hmmm, as the game stands currently no. Maps are just too big for that to be viable.
Havent played it yet so you might teach me mate:P
i believe in random coincedence :)
I believe in random!
In random i trust

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I see what you did there
start thinking you know everything, problem solved ":D"
î just played quakelive the first time and i FUCKING OWNED

cant be random
everyone owns those random low tier noobs
don't really believe in random

though i've been told that in physics at a sub-atomic level there are events that occur truly randomly

... i don't know shit about quantum physics though
My guess is that those events are called random not because their behaviour would be impossible to predict if you knew all the facts (it's logically impossible to be that way), but because the facts themselves are impossible for any perspective to get information of without altering the event itself.
true that, even though we'll probably never know for sure, suppose it's like with the penguins or the falling tree ;)
they can fly aslong as noone is watching
like travling at the speed of light
nothing is random, there's always a pattern

For someone to claim something on the sub-atomic level happens randomly is a pretty bold statement imo. I'll admit that I'm obviously no expert but making such a claim basically states they know EVERYTHING about it but with all the "publicly recognized" theories that seem to constantly change over decades and centuries it's just, in my mind, a perfect example of the scientific ego.. or better a glimpse into human nature.. so facinating for me xD
depends how you define "random"
if random is "anything that couldnt be calculated even when knowing everything" then no,it doesnt exist.
if random is something that occurs unexpected because you can not know everything, then it exist. and thats what I call random.
I wrote a long text, but I ended up saying exactly the same thing you did.
Quoteif random is "anything that couldnt be calculated even when knowing everything" then no,it doesnt exist.

This is paradox. Going with that logic it should be possible to accurately calculate what you are going to do in the next minute, which you can obviously contradict.
can you? if you knew everything - every molecule,every atom, ever quark etc. and you would be able to process it then it would be possible to predict anything, even what I am going to do
Well if you could do that, and you would calculate what you would do in the next minute. Of course you could just do something else. It is paradox.
The reason why you can't calculate everything is that randomeness does play a role in the universe - at least as far as science goes atm (Quantum flucations, Many-worlds interpretation, etc)
oh,this is what you mean paradox. there is no such paradox. you can never comprehend your own mind, not the way we are talking about. on the other hand, if you stood outside universe and was godlike (so you could understand everything) you could predict what is gonna happen.
Quoteyou can never comprehend your own mind

Why not? Your 'mind' is just a result of very complex chemical reactions. It is very possible that at some point in the future we will indeed 'comprehend your own mind'.
you can not comprehend your own mind. lets say you know only one thing. lets say you know what is car. ok. now you need your brain to undersand your understanding of a car. ok. but right at that moment, your brain works, so you need to think about understaning of understanding of understaning of a car. got my point?
No, but I think you missed mine. Read my reply to vanhaomena
read that reply,idd.
just have a look on it from another point. at some point, you want to comprehend your mind - which means your brain. then you would have to be aware of all the moleculas and all the chemistry within your brain. and if you - somehow - remembered all of these, you would - again - need to start remembering of remembered - as said above ^^
..its same like.. "make a row of numbers, where last number is sum of all numbers in that row".. if you could do it yourself, you would just pick one number and it would be ok. but if there is something before, e.g 1,2, what is the number that is sum of all numbers in a row? 3? then sum would be 6!
also, before I didnt see (thanks to your edit) these link on stuff abou physics. we call it "random" because we dont know everything about world. thats my interpretation.
I can more or less see where you are coming from but I don't think that it is relevant to what I'm trying to show.
You don't have to actually deduct what is going to happen yourself. You can build a computer. Granted that it would probably take the energy of a few galaxies (I'm just pulling this number out of my ass btw) but given that we would know about all laws of physics, it would be able to calculate exactly what is going on in your brain. All it would need to do is digitalize it somehow (scan it with x-rays or w/e - I'm no expert in this field)

But all this just makes the problem more complex than necessary. If you look at what I've written in the post to Vanhaomena it has all you need. Your brain, if you look even below the chemical reactions just consists of quarks aswell.
If you know how they interact you can calculate how they will behave. Or to be precise you should. But you can't because to our current knowledge they behave randomely to a certain degree.

Quotewe call it "random" because we dont know everything about world. thats my interpretation.

That's actually what I thought too when I first heared about it. But thinking about the scenario I've been talking about earlier changed my opinion.
oh, now I see how I misunderstood you, I thought that you meant that that computer would be able to predict whole universe - while you were talking just about one person. then yes, then I have to agree.

on the other hand, if there is some "randomness" you believe in (as you state in last sentence that completely confused me :D), how can you believe that you could predict brain?
There is no difference between the universe and a person in the context.

And I do not think you could predict the brain. I believe that you would be able to if there was no randomness, which is what you are saying,
there is no difference between the universe moleculas and a brain moleculas
Yes, that's what I'm saying lol

Quoteoh, now I see how I misunderstood you, I thought that you meant that that computer would be able to predict whole universe - while you were talking just about one person. then yes, then I have to agree.

You got that wrong. The computer, if the universe was predictable (not random), would be able to calculate how it behaves. Obviously since we all live in said universe it would also calculate how every single person will behave.
Quote->if<- you knew everything...then it would be possible to predict anything

QuoteWell if you could do that, and you would calculate what you would do in the next minute. Of course you could just do something else.

This is not a paradox because the premise "you know everything" wasn't fulfilled. The predicter in your example apparently didn't know everything about his own brain - otherwise he would've known that he will want to try to contradict his prediction to prove a point.

You're partially right in the sense that yes, it is indeed impossible to predict everything - but it's not because there's anything paradoxal about "if you know everything, then it would be possible to predict anything" but because it's impossible to know everything. The premise will always be false in every real-world situation.
Of course from a practical point of view it would be impossible to 'know everything'. From a theoretical point of view however, it is completely plausible to build a machine that would 'know everything'.

Let's start at the Big Bang. Although I'm not really familiar with physics, wikipedia leads me to believe that the universe shortly after the big bang (10^-33 seconds after it to be precise) consisted of solely free quarks and gluons.
Now with physics you can calculate exactly what forces are between them and how they interact and thus calculate the state after say 10^-32 seconds. And if you can calculate that you can should be able to calculate the exact situation of all matter at every point in time, in the past as well as in the future.

Then again I might quite possibly be missing the point of the whole discussion because greenclon's initial post had a pretty weird wording.
random chcick
i believe in Blacksmith

and i'm mindfucking you right now
multicasting those bitches
Will Smith?
Random does exist. Imagine three metal pieces, each in the exact same distance to the other two.

| | |

Now imagine electricity running through the center one creating sparks either in the left or right direction. Considering atmospheric effects are equal on both sides you still couldn't predict which direction the bolt would go.
but you do know for a fact that it will go in a direction.
thats a lot of impossible conditions. you cant have 3 identical metal bars/plates, for example the location of all the electrons would have to match at the time of the spark. infinitely accurately measuring the locations would make their speeds very uncertain (uncertainty principle), making it impossible to judge whether they are all identical or not. Same goes for atmospheric effects, you can't know which side has more/less particles and where they're all located.
Having nonidentical conditions such as these means the current is going to favour sparking into either the left or the right one, meaning its far from being random.
Of course this scenario goes under the assumption that we can either perfectly determine or control each of these situations. If we can't do either, the results will, by all means, be random.

As long as every kind of measuring will alter the outcome of the experiment in one way or the other (Schrödinger's cat) the outcome will be random.
Sure, we can't always measure or figure out which bar is favoured (if the differences are submicroscopical :d), but it does favour one of them at the moment of the spark, meaning there is always a reason why it sparks to either the left or the right one.

I lost my faith in true random when I found out how most random number generators work :[.
I was talking about a hypothetical experiment. After all, it's all about how we define 'random'. If we assume that we know every detail accounting to each outcome of a situation, from molecular movement to everything else, nothing would be truly random. But if we look at reality, there are things that can never be measured (without altering the result or in time to use them for calculations) so there effectively IS randomness.
But if you dont believe in random... you dont believe in yourself... o_O
basic swedish thinking -,-
In a way, yes.
What has happened to you ? :O
What do you mean?
Something must have happened to you that you speak about random in life. Or are you a philosopher?^^
Decem and Nonix are perfect examples of how too much weed fucks up the brain
The more stuff we know, the less things seem random.
Hungarian football is random
random is just a word for things we don't understand. we will never be smart enough to understand how the world is ticking, so random is just random, you should leave it by that
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