Last words about Brink

Well today I finally decide to not buy Brink. Saw Squall playing the game and we had a huge laughs about the game it self. Can't even remember all the things we found wrong about the game, but there was a lot of them.

I know in life you need to be optimistic and I will look in to the game after few patches and maybe even ProMod, but I think it needs so much fixes that it is just not possible. I did and do not expect Brink to be ET or any other game that I like. But just a game that feels good when you play it. For example 3 years ago when I first time played CS I played 8h nonstop. Why? Don't even know my self, but it was just that addictive. (ofc I had some dinner brake).

[Funny stuff that we saw: At one map Squall was asking all the time "Where are all the enemys". Getting killed many times and not even seeing the killer. Well answer was that enemy was invisible. Some enemy see you and some does not and same goes other way. Do not really know how that is possible.]
to not BY Brink? hehe
hehe! Thank you <3
i still wanna try it @ multi & promod 8(
brink wont fucking run for me, fuck brink
number of CoD fanbois > number of ET fanbois -> promod gonna make it an ironsightfest :d, making it even less like ET
Took me 10 min watching that H2k stream to figure that out. :p
I would give it a go, I purchased it and installed it... I put onto lowest settings with 640 res and still get like 9fps....

I will look into getting a PC soon. Getting sick of having this laptop as my main rig. HP G62 is a nice laptop... does the job for programming and watching HD vids and such. I need something with a bit of a kick again, I miss my Quad @ 3.6 and 4870, 4-4-4-12 XMS2 4GB :(....
sounds like you were playing SP with bad ai and some other bugs which dont exist in the retail version
Nope! Played the multiplayer on 3 or 4 different servers for 2h or something. He just got the game today morning... so I think it is retail... at least I hope so :)

As far as I know, there are no invis units. It may of been an enemy in disguise (which you can do)
Yea well we could not belive that either but that was it :D. People on server who knew how to type in chat were like "invisible enemys?". It was fun when running and enemy does not see you but starts shooting at your friend and when friend cant see the enemy but you can see that enemy :D was epic
this is a bug, some teammates or enemy are sometimes invisible
I know its shit without playing it or seeing any footage.
At least SD cashed in some monies from you guis, so it's success :)
QuoteFor example 3 years ago when I first time played CS I played 8h nonstop.

you mean when it'd already been out 4 years (assuming you're talking about css) and had the numerous amount of patches you're talking about Brink needing?
As I said. I gonna follow the game when patches and promod comes. Yes I review the game as it came out from the box. I played the Quakewars and there was the same story about promod and patches. The thing is that if the game does not catch up in the beginning it will have very hard time doing that after.

Yes I played CS, not CSS. I know how old the game is, but game became so popular not after 4 years of patching and promoding, but it came very popular from the start.

Don't know about you but I played RTCW demo and ETmain and I started to play from that. No patch no promod. If the game does not impress you from the beginning you always assume you gonna install it again and start playing after every patch or promod?
CS was a mod for half-life, possibly the best selling game of it's time so it already had the foundations of a fucking great game to work upon, it's hardly surprisingly it was popular and worked well

every game that comes out now is awful upon release, blackops (although competitively shit) was awful on release day almost to the point of how brink was for shit fps and random lag, didnt stop it being the best selling game of all time or some shit

etmain was far from impressive and it certainly wasnt my love for the game that kept me playing it, the fact it was "okay" was just a bonus more than anything
Funny how every hates games straight out of the box, I don't think anyone here would actually enjoy playing ETmain at all.

i read EXACTLY the same comments after ETQW and Wolfenstein release :D
I'm not going to judge on anything, I hated both ETQW and Wolfenstein after only having played them for minutes. But Brink is the first fps since ET that I enjoy, and it is most likely the first fps since CoD4 that has the potential to create a new competitive scene.

It all depends on the promod, so it's impossible to predict anything now.
when is the promod comming out?
There haven't been any statement yet and I'm not even going to guess on it, so clue.
with who are you playing since Eddofriend cant play this game?:P
Eddotard should normally be getting a new pc soon, so he might be playing it! But right now I'm playing with Potty, Dharky, Team Fragment and Ross.
lovely.... any idea about the format? 5v5 too??
Id Soft lost all their reputation for me with ETQW and Wolfenstein... i bought & played both and was disappointed twice... so i refuse to buy Brink... not to mention that overhyped merchandising.

and what i saw from watching streams and talking to people i played ETQW with, Brink just looks like ETQW... dunno what they developed 3 years tbh... but yeah i hope for the future of the Wolf-Community that Brink is "the big thing"... but i seriously doubt it...

Anyways i will personally stick with SC2... so, i should stay out of this whole discussion tbh...
Everything you say is true, but the way I see it Brink is the heavily improved version of QW, so I have hope.
well maybe if a SDK is released soon and a promod is done etc, i might get weak and give it a try... i am always tempted by "Wolf-Series-Games" :D

but not atm...
well tbh 2 weeks before brink release i played crysis II While now playing brink with this smart movement etc.... most things are aswell in crysis II. Thing is, with Brink and wolf that they release the game no matter what on the deadline. SP has higher prior as MP while you only play SP once :). And no private beta testers make the test phase go kinda slower. After releasing such amount of games i think it's kinda sad to pay for a game which is not finished yet....
Jelle <3

I still ow you a BRATWURST ! :D
But it is about time they got it right first time around. I remember playing PS1 games that had no problem and was amazing. Now with the internet and so many people playing games, they should release BETA's and stop this from happening, release mod tools with the game... it's the only way.
I agree, but we have to give Brink credit for actually listening to the input of gamers. They have released a raw diamond in my opinion, better than I had expected. (I don't know the english proverb but I guess you know what I mean.)
Your English is fine :). I agree that they did do a good job, and they did listen. I am a bit disapointed in the fact they said they were taking the best things from ET, but I can't see it. I do have the game but my laptop is my main computer, and that gives me 9fps @ Brink with the lowest settings. Perhaps if I can play it myself I may change my mind. I do think they should release mod tools quite soon, instead of waiting.

The problem with changing a game and releasing a mod is that you do split the community into sections. For example is some people play JayMod whilst others only play ETPro, which is why ET seems like a dead game. If someone released a mod that can bring in all players (competitive and public) and allow customisation to suite those players, it would be win win without separating the community between mods. That is a hard task and it would be great for changing the game entirely by a simple config and a few CVAR's.
You would still seperate communities with same mOd that you can change settings on. Also maps split communities. Funmaps vs comp map server rotation etc.. It is impossible to not split into diff groups..
I like it.. But i got shot by some machine gun on the ground or something? Running in the fire all the time man wtf!!
tossing a nade helps there
damn i knew i shouldve asked for cuttyP :D

The distance is too far i guess :)
Only played 1 hour yet so I will get in shape and pwn :)

You paly brink?
how can i change my nickname :d
Haha, had the same problem :D

Steam>Friends>Change Profile Name
LoL thanks, was searching the whole time :D
haha i was playing with the nick "info" and everyone called me noob

I was wondering the same thing with Squall... and then we were like WTF?! Why name changing is in STEAM? and IN FRIENDS SETTINGS? :D
Think its a bug, reconnect to the server should fix it. (never had it myself)

Was rollin with squall earlier. Was you playing as well?
Nope :P just spectatiting from 46" TV :D
Squall 2 low for brink sp, np
Do I need a config e.g. to open the console?
Steam > Right click on brink > properties > Set launch options > +com_allowconsole 1
and after that console works like in ET
#brink.wars #brink.pickups

Kinds nice guys who can help you on IRC
Only problem I see is that the maps are too defensive :|
I just went trough container city yet and its seems pretty hard to attack yea, once the bot is destroyed you can camp it everywhere :S
SAME DRAMA TALK LIKE IN ET! Lowbirds will suffer, skilled players and their clan will solve sh1tkind situations. np

go behind the defender spawn, by the left way, and backrape them until your team repair it
squall is et only
i like it, running on 20 fps, totally playable
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