so how is brink like?

I used to play ET a lot in old good times.
The question is... should i care about Brink? I hoped it would be at least half way good as et... but i heard lots of diffrent opinions around people. Is it worth it at all? Would Brink survive for years like ET did?

peace out
if you hear lots of different opinions, it's prolly best if you try it out yourself before believing anything.
fuck you
cool story bro
how come me and Estonia zet are in your buddy list + u know sabroo (whiny bitch back in the days)
sad to say that but guess we used to mix together years like 4-5 years ago
nick back then?
i dont even remember :O
omg brink omg
Coming here after all these journals and asking "How is Brink like?" is like steping into football fans conversation and asking "So how is Messi? Is he any good atm ?"

Dude, look around - there is loads of topic about Brink and loads of comments in every single one.
Who the fuck is Messi?
What the fuck is football?
what the fuck is fuck?
fuck the fuck is fuck?
Why you spend so much time writing on something you think is bullshit/worthless. Just to give your opinion?
Well first of all I don't consider 2 minutes as "much time". As for the rest - well I don't think Brink is shit either, I just think that every human should know how to use his brain. Spamming is a sign of brain damage/dead in my opinion (especially if you got like 40 topics already made).

No offence, I just comment stuff I'm angry about (yeye, "u mad").
It's weird that ppl with good computers barely get 80 fps.

The game is good, but it's not all about the shooting, there's a LOT more than just powning around. All the command posts, healing, giving buffs and objectives make it more different than a game of ET.

Aiming isn't really hard, but since u can't see your amount of kills or damage or whatever (only XP and highest fragger), no one will ever notice you played well or did some good shooting. But I think a 5on5 needs good teamplay!
Brink is... different.

Try it.

Brink is not ET2.

I like it.
inb4 waki's shit judgement

its not "ET2" and when the game was produced they didnt intend to make an ET2 with brink

its another game, another engine but there are some ET features in it... just try by yourself and you will see if you like or not
the creators had a lot of hustle with the "requesting" and polling given to the RTCW:ET and Quake community though..
chosen likes it.
case closed.
quite a few elements are dislikeable, some are likeable, but the game itself is very ET:QWish
Still the same engine I'm afraid :/
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