The Witcher 2 is here

Anyone else cba with BRINK cause awesomness has arrived?
I honestly cant see why Microsoft would chose such a stupid release date for Fable 3 as the RPG community is going absolutely wild for Geralt.
And yes, if your preordered you can now (after 21h) activate it!
ET is my fuckin game :: get off my dick homo rpg
witcher ftw but wont buy it on xbox. My plans to buy is brink,gears of war 3 and need moar fps but 0 money nao
*Geralt :)
Enjoy the game!
gief DIABLO III nao!
how was witcher 1 op?
dont quite get ur question mate
i asked if the witcher n°1 was a good game =)
it depends on your taste.
it was not hyped (as it was developed by a studio which is still exclusively known for that 1 title and published by a small firm in duisburg, germany).
however after it should have made the sales it kinda got known in the community that the setting and gameplay maneged to introduce something new to PRGs which was thought to be a rather homogenious genre. not only stuff like "the black areas are not black but actually not rendered at all" (which adds to the gfx feel of the game) but weapon type, stance, sings all that stuff was kinda new.
also the first thing you hear when entering a pub was "your mom sucks dwarfen cocks" and right after that you beat people up in a fistfight. also all women in the game are red heads and digg you... thats why you tend to have a lot of sex in it...
might sound weird but it was something different and people learned to appreciate it.
thats why the game didnt sell that well in the beginning (no money for promotion) but then the collectors edition took off like nothing else (i has that). so in this aspect it is somewhat of the opposite of what i expect BRINK to be: known for quality not for the promotion.
witcher 2 does not only feature awesome GFX, a streaming open world plus all the stuff we loved from witcher 1 but they also promise an epic story.
i can simply not describe how much i love the franchise and be asured i played the lot when it comes to RPGs.
witcher 1 would be somewhat of a "secret tip" (as e.g. drakensang is) but witcher 2 is rather mainstream... mainstream but awesome never the less.
give it a go
"your mom sucks dwarfen cocks"

only for this i must give it a try :D thanks
yes, gonna get it soon :-)

brink is bad, i need to resist!
the witcher 1 was boring, hopefully this will be a little bit more entertaining
Well, Act II was bit slow paced. Aurora engine imposed some restrictions, but the overall feel and tone were superb. Very different from anything before it.

ps. pre-ordered & preloaded from
No sexcards this time around, but I think The Witcher 2 has something to make up for that ;)
nerds fapping on Triss all round the world right now
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