ihpone 4 or LG Optimus speed

dear cf,

i need a new smartphone and i will choose between apple and Lg....

which one should i take??
iPhone imo
Nexus S
Hate That Cellphone
with -15 or lower degrees you wont be able to use it. :D
And iPhone -guarantee doesnt give a shit about your problems if you have been using it under 0 degrees...
I dislike iPhone anyway :D.

Im currently using like 3y old Nokia N-series phone and I cba changing to a 'smart'phone :)
I got this now, http://www.chinavasion.com/qwerty-cell-phones/touch-screen-mobile-phone-with-wifi-analog-tv-dvbt/

Was cheap as hell, I can watch TV with it (not that it gives any reception unless I am somewhere higher than normally). It is annoying to use time to time, camera is shit.

But it is durable as hell, broke the glass from it few weeks ago, I can still use touchscreen normally and it looks awesome cause it is shattered :)

Got 3-5 old Nokia-phones so I can use them when everything else breaks down, wont ever pay over 100€ for a phone.
Galaxy S 2
wait for the HTC sensation or go for the samsung glaxay S2
now they make nokia in romania so i just took myself a stolen 1

image: 1gke9l

good enough for a phone,i m not using it to make pictures or get to internet,just to talk on it
best winner
super stupid smartphones are for stupids
i work for a dutch telecom company. Atm i would recommend getting the Galaxy S 2.
Iphone is overpriced for what u get compared to the galaxy S 2 its an old tech phone. That said a iphone 5 is comming this year.

LG optimus X2 is the first dual core smarth phone. As with everything that is a first. There are problems with the phone. Losing connection every now and then. Aswel as random reboots. or even as bad as u have to take ure battery out and put it back in to be able to reboot it. That said LG do have an awsome service atleast in holland. U can sign ureself up for a vip service (free of charge) the 1st year if phone is failing they give u a new one in 24H. DUnno about the rules on this in your country.

Long story short Galaxy S2 is the way to go atm.
LG is terrible, been there, done that, never going back to it.
iPhone 4
u cant take a bath with an iphone, so you know
Galaxy S > iPhone
iphone 4 by a mile
iPhone 4 <3
love my iPhone 4!
wait for the new iPhone !
Lg optimus 2x or wait for Lg optimus 3d. Best shit on current market.

Iphone? Just no. Overpriced shit for hipsters.
iphone, not because it's better ( it isn't ) but everyone got it and it's easy to handle
NEVER iphone
get HTC

or sony ericsson play
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