Zodiacx @ E-series

Ok just wanna let u know our way to e-series on Sunday :p

Sunday Morning 5:30 CET most of us getting up eating some stuff and doing the regular morning procedure :p
6:45 CET bNZ1 & Daenji picked me up at my Homeplace. image: 223490_212101808808707_212101378808750_831525_129331_n
7:10 CET meeting Bl4d3 + His Girlfriend & PreZ at the Duisburg Centralstation.
9:40 CET we just arrived in Amsterdam and searching a Coffee Shop for PreZ and Daenji -.-
10:20 CET We Arrived at the KaosTV Gaming Centre in Weesp and meet predi there ( 50 mins after the time..)

at 11:30 CET We played our first Match vs. NetherlandsOVERLOAd no chance for us so 4:0 loss
After that we played vs. NetherlandsFiFred should be our only win on this lan but no, 3 man Teamkillnade + 3 Man Panza destroyed it :)
After that weve played vs BelgiumBelgian Fraternity both maps were doable but ye we didnt pushed in the right times together!
"last" match was vs. NetherlandsTAG pretty hard Match well lets stay they destroyed us :XD
After that we left the Competition because there was no Reason to play anymore only that we are getting later & later back to germany.
At around 21:00 CET we arrived again at Duisburg Centralstation.

WE enjoyed the day pretty much even if we loss every match :) This was our LAN-Day here are some photos :)

image: sl370183
Me @ setting up

image: sl370185
Team Zodiacx, from infront: mAurice, Daenji, predi, PreZ, Bl4d3

image: sl370192
Left side OVERLOAd
from left to right: NoHead, Ati, JALLAAAAA, saKen, SQuid and right side FiFred From left to right: Frauwe, imPluX,Woody, MOTiF, 7ele

An Article about the Lan will be written on our Webside www.Team-Zodiacx.de today i guess.
Support us and Stay in #zX.ET
PREDI?????????? NO LANDODGING???????? GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!! :{D
no was troll :DD
ati is the big guy with white tshirt on the left
glad you enjoyed everyone
Hope u had a fun day despite of all the losses :p
on the last picture the guy with the long/thick nose is imPluX
pic of blade's gf ?
its better for everyone here to not see it ;P
The Guy on the far left is NoHead
naah NoHead is the first one with the bluetshirt i think
was just trolling cuz the guy on the far left doesn't have his head on the pic :D:D
overload from left to right is I think:p
nohead, ati, zak, saken, squid
Nohead Ati_ JALLAAAAA SQuid saKen
first on the right is frauwe....
Haha heard he's always like 5 centimeters from his screen away:D that's why?

@Daenji, a real german...
lol why that :D
why should he be a true german :D? ..
becouse he looks like a real german. he is a german right???
gimme moar photos :D
get new hair and muscles nerd
Nice! : )
dunno why my brother didnt take some more photos.. i guess he was too tired :D
Problems Officer?
Frw implux woody motif tele
jep got it mate ;D
I'm at the end of OVERLOAd table!!
No you didnt play!
Haha Frauwe, ga nog wa dichter zitte jonge :D
guess frauwe has fov 180
or a tiny crosshair

we told him not to eat the monitor
Quote9:40 CET we just arrived in Amsterdam and searching a Coffee Shop for PreZ and Daenji -.-

no weed if your ID says ure not from nl!
u dream too much
E: or, you believe too much ?
Das is ne Lüge die von deutschen Medien verbreitet wurde um die Leute zu verunsichern und vllt auch davon abzuhalten in Nl zu kaufen...naja, das Gesetz besagt, dass die Besitzer Kunden die nich aus Holland kommen, abweisen KÖNNEN aber nicht MÜSSEN (und welcher Geschäftsmann würde sowas machen :D )
wo bisse junge :D
noch auffer Arbeit :(
nice to see that it was fun for you and your team.
are you planning to attend more LAN events?

edit: nice shirts
next E-series ofc ^^
Ich und daenji auf jeden fall :)
Daenji ist doch "inkativ"?
aber der würde wieder mit auf lan kommen und bis dahin ist der schon wieder 24/7 :@
Good job maurice! :)
NOOOO I make the Photos not mAurice :D
Not as good looking as us though
nice pics :)
frauwe blonde god
lekker he....hmmm
nohead went to a lan? thought he hax0rd
He did in the past, so what? He's been attending several LAN events already
i dunno i wouldnt keep track of him
Played 4 lans now, and its 4 years ago + why me arround 2/5 of the people who played on this lan has been busted in the past.
i dont rly care was a troll comment :\
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