brink ati fps increase driver

I recommend installing the ATI 11.5a RC3 driver. with the RC2 driver i was getting between 20 and 30 fps. now I am getting between 40 and 60 fps. That is on my slow machine aswell, I havent tried it on my gaming rig yet :)

slow machine specs
Q6600 2.4 ghz quad
2GB Ram
ATI 5780 1.5gb - download from here.
I am getting between 60 - 90 FPS with my PC

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3,15 GHz
MotherBoard: Intel Dragontail Peak DP35DP
Sound: ATI Radeon HDMI
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 4850
Memory: 4 Gb DDR2

Will try it as soon as I get home (:
whats your specs? i only tested on secTow so it may actually be more because that map is poorly optimised or something haha.
just edited mate, sorry 'bout that
"Sound: ATI Radeon HDMI" Do you have your sound connected via the HDMI on your graphics card??
me 125fps on my xbox
Console + shooters => massive fail
still good jew yeah but i dont cry bcuz my pc cant handle random game
Who is crying then?
Can't quiet follow :)
Thanks will try

specs: i7 950 + HD5870 vapor-x in crossfire, fps 40 - 160 with the RC2.

*Could notice a slight increase in fps with the RC3 driver, fps are now between 54 - 180 but less drops than before.
*Settings when tested resolution: 1920 x 1080 + tweaked config, shadows off etc.
..i think you mean a 5870? :)
Get more ram :P with your card you should have more FPS
Will try if I get home, have 25 fps atm :E!
slow machine :<
i m also having the Q6600 and 2gb ram and a gforce 8800GTS but so far no game could get it called a slow machine :(
i definitely wont buy a new hardware just for brink...
hopefully the promod will get some stability and performance increase if not the patches will do so..
AMD Phenom X4 B45 @ 3,8 GHz
ATi Radeon HD4770

I'm getting 60-150 FPS but with old drivers

Cracked version btw

I will update the driver tonight and see if there is any improvement
nerd ! check your fps online
dont have money for it right now
Running on minimum settings and getting easily 70fps! you mad?!
give me some commands for minimum settings mate :P

r_mode 3?
Dunno... lol! I just installed the game with the minimum recommendation and off i went :D
damn :( with r_mode 3 its runs fine but it doesnt fit my screen.. And I do not understand the game yet:P I die rly fast xD

Any public where a lot of ETplayers play??
Nope, but you're welcome to come play with g5! :)
Okay cool :) Then I will tell you who I am :PPP

whos playing so far? can you guys teach me?:D
waki surely can't , cuz he sucks donkey balls.

He doesn't know however, and keeps screaming 'I'm so fucking good at this game' every 6 seconds.
ha den SneeK :) jij speelt met waki?:)
I recommend installing 11.2
will try this when im at home :)
"slow machine spec"

the game runs @ 40-150+ fps on my machine

will try this ;)

- Windows 7 x64 Ultimate
- C2D E8400 3.0GHz
- msi ATi 5770 HAWK
when i installed this my fps dropped to 1
That is your slow machine? Fuck you.
thought i had a shit pc.. 100+ fps, no drops, high quality lol
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