Realtek audio driver windows 7

Hello ,

For some reason I can't seem to run the .exe file from Realtek on windows 7.

With the AC97 download I can start the install but after a while in the installation I get the following error : "Couldn't verify authorisation xxxxx , do you want to continue or abort "

Obviously I press continue but it just instantly repops the same error...

With the other driver , the vista-win7 R260 of 80 mb it says the .exe is incorrect.. No matter from where I download it...

Is there anyone who experienced the same problem or anyone who could link me to another audio driver? So far I'm not liking Windows 7 !!!

But as my friend Barney says 'New-is-always-better' , im trying to make it work !

I've understood every journal nowadays requires some hot chick so I'll try to please you with the following
image: vida-guerra-fhm
do you still have the disc which came with your mobo?
Yes I have, but are those drivers compatible with W7 ?

EDiT: I have the feeling this was a stupid question
I think so, gl!
EDiT : Motherboard support cd does not support this operating system = me / screwed
What you need sounds for? Hehe
:P , At least this made me laugh, no one can be original nowadays
apparantely you have the wrong ones
What you need sounds for? Hehe
nigga bitch
What you need sounds for? Hehe
Hot chick fail, so can't help you!
Actually, never had problem with the drivers here.
gratz 4 chick! :)
mines fine. I installed from my motherboards website.
im looking through your walls
E-hate, tis toch iets vreemd
Die zien mijne naam en allemaal gelak ne stier op ne rode lap vlam :p , originaliteit is wel ver zoek , alhoewel sommige al is iets nice vinden :p
Ksnap da ni, kga u ni verdedigen ofzo, maar kvind iemand haten opt internet gewoon absurd, as ge begint te flamen gewoon omda ge iemand zenne naam ziet dan zijde slecht bezig.

ma bon, gij kon der vroeger ook wa van
Ik vind het best nog grappig :p , zeker al meer dan n jaar geleden, die mannen leven er echt voor..
search the ones who are compitable with your system on the interwebz?
thx for chick, gtfo now
Windows update should be able to install the correct driver for you.
I would but I have no genuine install from windows (what did you expect from me ;) ) , will my windows still work if I start updating?
ik heb op mijn pc ne crack staan da ik indertijd heb gebruikt om zo altijd updates te krijgen en da werkt nu toch al bijna 2 jaar :). als ge da bestand wilt pm me dan me emailadres dan mail ek et u wel door, kheb da nog op men harde schijf staan
update your windows installer and your .net framework
(no troll)
Ha okay! You didn't get sound, rhat's why you used a wallhack!
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