COD 4 scrims < ET ?

well i just got a new gfx card which now i can play cod 4 so i just wanted to ask you ppl how cod 4 scrims will be . are they more fun than ET scrims or are they boring
I just play TDM on pub and it's quite fun :D dunno about scrims
Cod 4 TDM Pub -> 115 kills 5 deaths -> kick -> profit
I get way more deaths from random nades :D
Spam strike is the way to go :> get 5 kills, die, use airstrike and die before it lands, get 5 kills on respawn, airstrike again ;p
random nades on crash > all
cod4 scrims > et. There so good. right nerds camping in grass or just laying arnd some corner waiting for you to come is fun

2. playing 12 rounds atleast of attack/defend is fun, putting one in nearly the same position.

3. need 2 bullets to kill someone is fun and is skilled.
hope you realize everyone could do such a list with every game. it's called opinions, that thing pakis like you aren't allowed to have
lows like you who dont even know india and pakistan are 2 different countries, shouldnt be allowed to express their opinion
"lows like you"
My level of skill does not have anything to do with this conversation. Hello, I've quit ET.

"who dont even know india and pakistan are 2 different countries"
Check your profile views. I haven't been on it. But yeah, guess where I am from without clicking on my profile, I'll bet you you won't find out.

"shouldnt be allowed to express their opinion"
I haven't expressed an opinion yet.
By lows like you i meant your level of brains and not your skill in ET. you just proved me right again =)

Again i dont care where are you from and ofc you know me that is why you said paki without visiting my profile(Fanboy?)

You writing a comment saying things like
Quote that thing pakis like you aren't allowed to have

is your opinion isnt it?
It's been quite a while rAmbom8, don't you have anything to say, Hindu?
u see u guys just keep discriminating us . but we never discriminate ppl like u . so wat is the problem with u ppl ? like if we call u *u fucking nazi* (no disrespect just an example) would u just sit and laugh ? u would think y do these ppl call us like that . just keep having fun with every1 and dont hurt other ppl's feeling . (u can flame idc i just wanted to say this)
Hi, I'm polish.

I have no idea what you're talking about - my nationality has never yet been close to be discriminated in this community!
nvm man but pls stop this paki things its not good for a fun community :)
they're quite fun, but there are way too many cheaters
cod4 scrims kind of funny but no one can touch ET WARS!
less cheaters in ET

holy crap thats smthin i thought i would never say
lol unbelievable. u serious?
u have 2 be good to love them (codwars)
no cheaters at least i put them in the dumpster like every other.
Usually a lot more irratating than ET wars, expect to be pissed off the first few wars you play.
imo cod4 is boring, i just love fucking around in cod4, making highskilled cod4 friends amazed of my reflexes and sniper skills ;)
can you camp?
COD4 > ET public match
anyway fucker, what happoened to you startin to play cod with me.
I think CoD4 matches are more fun than ET matches. It's totally different, I like both. But I prefer playing CoD4 scrims over ET :)

If you have some decent guys to play with, it's fun most of the time :p
et is more for fun i would say.
cod 4 is better if u want to play serious.
if u look for wins and have fun with that cod4 is great.. if u just want to frag a bit and play some relaxing games i would go for et
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