problem OC?

Quote by Garym8 aka Killerboy aka SlayersquirtIn groups which have 4 teams, only the top clan passes through, this is one of the oldest rules in ET, that's why I always used to take 5/6 teams for premier.

Now CB gives exception to this, but only if the community is a loyal one, i.e no dropouts.

# In case of groups of 4 clans, only 1 clan will be allowed to advance to playoffs.**

** The only exception to this is when the drop out rate for the whole league 12.5% or below. If the drop out rate is less than or equal to 12.5%, 2 clans from each group may progress.

Proceed with your QQ, LION had no choice, put the blame on those ego teams that couldn't care less about your cup.

stop the mad at CB and blame fuckload of teams dropping out, over 1 in 8 teams dropped out, many teams got 2nd spot in group because of the drop outs so fuck off and to quote classic wisdom of certain Poland: get normal face and muscles (quite ironic of me to use it but oh well)

33 teams out of 144 dropped out in OC 5on5. Go hunt them down and blame them instead of CB
Made me smile

Just announce it before nigger.
you got the fail in your blood.
how the fuck do you expect sups to predict over 12,5% drop rate before cup?
Well all the teams get 'dropped out' after 2nd matchweek :P 2 noshows is most likely drop out :)))))) so yes lion knew this shit pretty well during the 2nd matchweek already
What business is this to you, non playing-suck up-polak-emo boy?
Sure, if we would've all read the rules all the way through we would've seen this point in there but who the hell would go through all of that text in there :/ And besides that, I think some teams were aiming for 2nd place in their group anyway because they thought that would be sufficient, since it always has been. I just don't like this, it makes the tournament less fun, even for the teams that got 1st in their group.
doesn't signing up to cup means you have read the rules and accepted them? how the fuck do you expect sups to predict over 12,5% drop rate before cup?
How is it the fault of the remaining teams that others drop out? They are getting punished for others that don't care enough about OC, which has always been a enjoyable cup for everyone. Actions like these certainly take part of that fun away, especially since most of us were completely unaware that this would happen.
And go read out the rules please, just way too much text. It could've been easily stated in a newspost before all this madness.
epic first due to dropout+forfeit+win

Haha thats so true. Not complaining about that tho, we had the hardest group, hope playoffs
Gonna be good (if we find a rifle ofc)
gl with that
get lost faggot
you see only the guys complaining which were on the 2nd place of their group, the rest didn't posted a comment yet and thats why it seems that everyone is complaining but that are only the sad faces which are in the playoffs :S
well this is to be expected ofcourse, but I see some other people commenting about it as well, even some players from EC afaik :) and all the teams in first place are like: HAHA

it's just sad :<
yes maybe it's sad, but when it really stand in the rules you can't complain about it. just give a feedback to the admins that it's not ok, good or cool to pass only one team into playoffs, so that they can maybe change it for the next seasen or just mark it more so that everyone knows that only 1 team comes through. but calling it clownbase or insult the admins isn't fair if it stand so in the rules ^^
I also said its bad/weird!!! Yet I obviously dont care enough to complain more^^
bad for CB, good for ESL eh? :D
it's time for ESL to make some serious 5v5 cup like EC/OC
we had that the last few years, nowadays there simply arent the people to pull that off, lacking motivation and time I suppose
get new admin and lets start again that ems etc
seeing what they did with tag, I think its fair to call it clownbase
yes it is clownbase, but not for doing the playoffs with only 1 team per group like it stands in the rules
matter of opinion, its kinda bullshit to make playoffs with only 4 teams, round robin with grand final would be much better with only 1 team proceeding from each group...
Yeah, at least that. But this play-off with only 4 teams is just ridiculous.
I wonder what would you say if EC were the part of OC and with your 2nd place in EC group stage you wouldn't pass to playoffs.
Quote by ROBACWEL33 teams out of 144 dropped out in OC 5on5. Go hunt them down and blame them instead of CB

5v5 OC Fall 2010 - there were 140 teams and 49 dropped out its 35%, this season its `only` 22% , so YOU MAD?
there were 4 leages only, more than 4 clans per group
now we had 6 leagues, 4 clans per group
conclusion? Homer > Lion
u bad hater :P
anyway, in only 4 groups out of 34, 2 teams dropped out so the first two teams will pass the group `without problems` . Also I guess that almost every team left cup due to losing the first match, so I would just leave this score and add 2 next as 0-4 (without kicking them from cup) and let two teams play in next stage.
apply for CB sup and save OC!
Too late to fix the structure and rules, and complain about it. I think this was the first time for me playing with 4-clan-groups since I havent seen 1-clan-continuation earlier.

But now afterwards it is kinda idiotic, for starters to play with only 4 clans at group-stage, since there has always been so many drop-outs. And now afterwards when this was announced... I have been admining and imo kinda learned in what comes with the rules, but havent noticed this earlier.

Not because of the pocals (tihihii, already got one), but because of "ooh, OC again, nais!"-feeling, then playing two wars after scheduling and praccing, one forfeit and pff, thats it...
i won oc in 2009, thats all that matters :) xx
wasn't it begining of 2010?
im pretty sure it was at 2009, back then we used to say "2009 is gonna be bmg's year" and it rly came true :)
i remember that year xx bF victorious x
idd mate :) that is my only achievement in ET
bmg? bf? haha fucker u won by 4 fucking seconds against us in playoffs

always so mad :) you had no chance of beating us, we were too strong
i remember that day, no pracc for days, and loosing against you by 4 fuckings seconds on grush, sad story but

image: i-aint-even-mad
actually, we were both terribad :D
Premier Enemy Territory SW OC Fall 2009 3 January 2010
hehe :) that was a good year
no it was shit year :)
how so my finnish amigo
because i said so
dont let anyone to playoffs = WIN!

fuck off cb
what is this shit? changing rules during the cup?

QuoteThe top 2 teams from each group will advance to the playoffs which will be played using the double elimination format from the Premiere to Third and the single elimination format for the remaining divisions. The playoff tree will be announced shortly after the group stage is over.
Yeah it might be the rules, but its still ridiculous. He could have just added a few clans from 2nd to Premier, 3rd to 2nd and so on and just cancel the last league for teams for us example. People kept saying that we wont even win a single match but it would have been more fun to play 4 matches and lose them rather than winning 2 out of 3 and still not advancing. (lost the third match with seconds and with using 2 backups since we were certain that we are already in the playoffs)

And this rule is plain stupid since I for example know a number of clans that will boycot CB and since ESL is not interested in ET anymore that simply means folding. Which is a shame and is the last thing the ET scene needs at the moment with BRINK coming out and summer incoming making the game even less active. Good job killing the ET scene with a single stupid decision while others have been putting their valuable time and resources in it to save it, nothing else.
CB killing ET
cool OC bro, oh wait I'm in a team that placed 2nd
Most people don't seem to be aware of the rules including some admins (Hi2u Donex) yet almost everyone starts crying when it's not in their benefit.
the real problem with CB is zyklon b monster 'admins' posting announcements with most of the content being shitty memes
get the fuck out
what happened to the nice and gentle ensam ?
What year are you living in? :D:
what you want from me? I'm not CB admin
i will fucking stab you in the eye if you reply to me one more time
challenge accepted
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