Yet another Brink journal

So, I finally acquired Brink and it's relatively nice and all. There's a bit of a polishing to do (and I need to find good servers because some people seem to be extremely warpy), of course. Hope someone with half a brain releases a promod which appeals to my tastes instead of some random CoD-players tastes, for example.

There's a few things that bug me, though.
First off, I can't seem to find a single decent weapon in the game. I tried most of the ones available at level 1, and all of them had a ridicilously large rate of fire. Now, the spread isn't really anything big in the game, but I just hate the insane RoF. The clips are empty in like three seconds of continuous firing, which is a bit too fast for my liking. Are there any weapons in the game that don't have this?

Secondly, the fucking sentry turrets. How do I take them down? I need to fire multiple clipfulls of ammo into them for them to be incapacitated. Do grenades take them down faster? How do I even throw grenades? Is it possible to remove them entirely using server-side commands? I'd definitely like to see them gone.

Also there's loads of screen bobbing and shaking, just like in vanilla ET. The damage feedback is also somewhat silly, or at least that's what it seems. I get the impression that some people just basically instakill me with assault rifles, although I was at full health. Might be lag or me just not noticing the health bar depleting because of the poor damage feedback. However, the screen bobbing is the bigger issue, are there cvars to remove it?

PS: Any configs to make the game look as clear as possible would be appreciated. So far I just tuned down everything from the menu and set r_shadows "0", but I bet there are more ways to make it run better and look clearer.

PPS: Flashbangs are fucking retarded, I hope they can be removed too
man pls... you whine more than a mad polak! Check the intros / itroductions before playing / posting these cryposts pls!
The introductory video lasted for like 5 minutes and only told you that to win, you need to escort shit, complete objectives and revive teammates. It wasn't very in-depth.

hope it helps! didnt watch it completely

Minimum: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or equivalent
You Have: AMD Athlon(tm) II Dual-Core M320

Minimum: 2 GB
You Have: 3.7 GB

Minimum: Windows XP(SP3)/Vista/Windows 7
You Have: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition (build 7600), 64-bit

Video Card
Minimum: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS / ATI Radeon HD 2900 Pro or equivalent
You Have: AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200
Features: Minimum attributes of your Video Card
Required You Have
Video RAM 256 MB 1.9 GB
Pixel Shader version 3.0 4.1
Vertex Shader version 3.0 4.1

Free Disk Space
Minimum: 8 GB
You Have: 67.5 GB

what fps will i get on this for paly paly?
around 40fps probably :D

got 20/30 here with 8500gt
is it playable with 40fps?
yes, playing here with 20/30, playable

fps arent same from ET so :)
tidy, might give it a go then

just dont want to waste £25 on something which wont work properly :)
if you dont like, give / trade / sell it to me cheaper :P
haha! didnt you buy it?
nop, downloaded, played only solo :P
might do the same when im at home, seems silly to pay loads of money for it if its not going to work. can you play it solo without having to use steam?
skidrow version has steamfix
ye sure, you can even play online with hamachi & smartsteam or smth ( guess home host serv etc ) but didnt try
I run it at a very variable FPS from 50 to 150 (I guess there's a lot of optimizing to do related to video card drivers etc), and it's all smooth. Seeing that the engine isn't iDTech3, the FPS shouldn't matter anyways.
AMD Phenom II 940 BE 3GHz quadcore
ATI Radeon HD 4870 1gb
4GB DDR2 RAM @ 1066MHz
ive got the 4650 1GB
Q8300 2.5 ghz
I'm certain it'll run fine, as you fill the recommended specifications easily. Especially after a few driver updates and compability patches, right now I think most performance issues are video driver related.
ye think so..

crumbs cfg even lowers my fps:P
40 fps is playable tho
Played multi @ my friend's computer. With 30 fps it's not playable. They should fix multi fps shit @ new patch.
seta sensitivity "4.0"

seta com_allowConsole "1"
seta com_bootLogo "0"
seta com_machineSpec "0"
seta com_showFPS "1"
seta com_skipWarnings "1"
seta com_useFastVidRestart "0"
seta com_videoRam "1024"

seta con_notifyTime "10000"
seta con_numDisplayLines "3"
seta con_speed "0"

seta decl_show "0"
seta decl_showMissing "0"

seta g_chatDefaultColor "0 1 0 1"
seta g_chatFireTeamColor "1 1 0 1"
seta g_chatLineTimeout "5"
seta g_chatTeamColor "0 1 1 1"
seta g_decals "0"
seta g_drawHudMessages "1"
seta g_drawPlayerIcons "1"
seta g_enemyTintEnabled "0"
seta g_fireteamColor "0 0 1 1"
seta g_hitBeep "1"
seta g_playerIconSize "20"
seta g_showHud "1"
seta g_showPlayerShadow "0"
seta g_skipViewEffects "1"
seta g_xpNotificationType "-1" // 3 if you still want xp popup

seta gui_crosshairAlpha "1.0"
seta gui_notificationTime "5"

seta image_anisotropy "0"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta image_lodbias "1"

seta in_toggleRun "0"
seta in_toggleSprint "0"

seta m_pitch "0.016"
seta m_rawInput "1"
seta m_smooth "0"
seta m_yaw "0.022"

seta net_clientLagOMeter "0"

seta r_aspectRatio "2"
seta r_brightness "1.0"
seta r_ccfAllowLATCCompression "0"
seta r_customHeight "640"
seta r_customWidth "1024"
seta r_displayRefresh "120"
seta r_fullscreen "0"
seta r_gamma "1.0"
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_multiSamples "0"
seta r_renderProgramLodDistance "200"
seta r_renderProgramLodFade "50"
seta r_shaderPreferALU "0"
seta r_shaderSkipSpecCubeMaps "1"
seta r_shadows "0"
seta r_shadowsHighQuality "0"
seta r_skipAtmosInteractions "1"
seta r_softParticles "0"
seta r_useAlphaToCoverage "0"
seta r_useAntiAliasing "0"
seta r_useDitherMask "0"
seta r_useHBAO "0"
seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess "0"
seta r_useMotionBlur "0"
seta r_useShadowFastParallel "0"
seta r_useShadowInfinite "0"
seta r_useShadowMaps "0"
seta r_useThreadedRenderer "0" // also try seta r_useThreadedRenderer "2"
seta r_visDistMult "1.2"

seta res_showWarnings "0"

seta s_enable_mic "0"
seta s_enable_voice "0"
seta s_forceNumberOfSpeakers "2"
seta s_numberOfSpeakers "2"

seta pm_bobRoll "0"
seta pm_bobSkip "1"
seta pm_bobFixation "0"

seta ui_autoReload "1"
seta ui_autoSwitchEmptyWeapons "0"
seta ui_crouchToggle "0"
seta ui_fov "90"
seta ui_ignoreExplosiveWeapons "1"
seta ui_ironSightToggle "1"
seta ui_showComplaints "0"
seta ui_voipReceiveFireTeam "0"
seta ui_voipReceiveGlobal "0"
seta ui_voipReceiveTeam "0"

seta vid_xpos "0"
seta vid_ypos "64"

seta vt_lodBias "2"

seta win_muteOnLoseFocus "1"
gfx card?

how much fps?
e6600 core duo
zotac 430gt
45-50 min and 120 top depending on number of people on the server and location on map :D
will try it, thx
won like ~5fps :-D
why no fullscreen?
so i can keep 120hz at a 16:10 res, will play fullscreen at 1680x1050 wen i have a better pc hopefully
oh i dont touch hz etc since i dont care :P

r_mode 3 (640:480) doesnt fit my screen..
gonna give it a try :)
amazing !

from 43 fps max to 150 !

love you so much :D
i downloaded the game so where i have to put configs?
e: nvm found it
you got it now mate?
had it from start, still not level 20 though :(.

Made mistake of selling all my perks twice so lost 2 levels :D
:D we needa play then:) I sold mine once :D
I've tested with skidrow version and blackscreen xD
I'll wait my official version :p
if you renamed the intro videos, com_bootlogo 0 may cause problems
and why don't you use fastvidrestart?
I seem to get fucking low FPS on the map Container city..
CARB-9 gun with high capacity magazine and front grip is really powerfull

Do the challenges to unlock guns customizations, they are easy, only the last round of tower defense is hard
any 1 else having no sound on some maps + sometimes invisible opponents or black screens after vid_Restarting ? :D
only the sound trouble.. heard about that invisible oppenent stuff tho..
this really got my hopes up
s_restart helps but the sound will vanish again after some minutes.
carb 9 and pistols + lightweight
instead of whining try and look yourself however.
1.I like the carb, Yes it runs out of bullets quick so do the challenges and you will unlock a high capacity magazine with more bullets init. Or unlock the drum with 65 bullets or smth.

2. sentrys, it takes a full clip yeah, or grenade it I think one grenade next to it takes half its health(then the sentry needs repairing or it wont work)

3.Im not sure if this is what you mean but if you actually look in options there is an option in gameplay if im correct called. screen bob just untick it?

there is a tool called brink config 1.4 (latest version) has a lot of things tbh pretty decent. You can also remove a few things like intro etc.

hope it helps
what do you think of the Rhett AR :3 ? for some reason its seems i can get the most accurate bursts with the Rhett
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