et dead yet?
18 May 2011, 20:47
are real players still playing et or is it full of brink haters now who cant give up a 8 year old game?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
"mintuz avi for brink"
"brink ati fps increase driver"
"you know what I think, Brink"
i spy an ET hater. GET HIM!
jaymod killed public play for me aswell..piece of craap.
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Not this bad ;)
The weapons don't really have a lot of recoil though, and the iron sights actually have more recoil and kickback than you have when you fire from the hip while crouched, at least with most weapons.
e: you remind me of wakizashi. flop in et, call it dead, try new game, shit at that too, still flame et.
God I hated that dude for flaming when losing. Bullshit player and a bullshit person.