Video card question...

I have a very good offer now and I will change my Gigabyte HD5750 to a Zotac GTX480. Any good or bad words about Zotac and nVidia 480 Gtx?
you can play brink with me and potty and mana
i installed an illegal copy of brink and i have to say the game is a big shit. or i just expected too much because of the crossfire brink hype? tell me 1000 times its good and i gonna believe it, then face the shit. okok, i gave it only 1 hour, so maybe i should give another go. BY THE WAY, who are you mate? :)
you could also try getting the game legally, or find another way to play with real players, playing with bots is shitty and doesnt really have any teamplay in the game. Nowhere near as much as online. But opinions are opinions if you dont like thats your choice:)
you are right, online is much more teamplay
Take it! I don't know about your offer but it sells for 235€ here though.
235 is very cheap for a Zotac GTX 480. at hungary u can buy a new one for: 450 euro and the offer i got is: 180 euro and mine.
You should check again, that card lost big part of it's value recently - also, The HD6950 2Gb sells for 166€.
Well it fucking sucks to buy video cards in Hungary I guess because in the US a GTX480 is $300 which is ~211 euros, sure you can't just find an online retailer that will sell the card to you for cheaper? The GTX480 undoubtedly would be a good step up from the HD5750, but the GTX 500 series is continually rolling out soo...
GTX480 is still a top3 card atm, isnt it? according to passmark
Parent,2674.html its more around top 6-8 on this chart, which is the sum of 1920x1080 benchmarks with highest settings etc. it really comes down to what you do on your computer and how long you plan to keep it. When I saw earlier today that the GTX460 prices had dropped to 150 or so, I'm hoping to snag one soon and be set for a long time because I don't play most new games, nevermind at high resolutions so its all I personally need

oh and what slay3rs said
Trollolol misread, its 480 not a 460 :DDD
GTX 480 is a toaster get a 560 or smthing :S
480 Is a decent card, Can get them for under £200 In the UK if you shop around.
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