Aion sucks?

My mate just installed aion and started to play on Infinite Aion. I'd like to try it out also, but when I'm downloading the game itself, it freezes and stops at 97%. I tried every single solution: redownloaded it 4 times, reboot, other client(the patch stops @ 96%) and still stops @ 97%. I'm downloading via NCsoft launcher. Google is not my friend.
Anyone ?

E: thanks to Netherlands Frop I waited a couple hours agian, and it started to do something else! Thank you Netherlands Frop!
it does idd u fucking goldfarmer
"Edit: never mind, it's started now but it's actually taken 45mins roughly for me. So long."

I'm waiting 3 hours already
Aion = Quest till u are lvl 19, grind mobs only after that

shit game, tried, liked till quests ended, quit
how is that possible :D
Well, it's a Korean grind MMO. Most Korean MMOs are of the sort.
It does
Is it just me or has own3d been offline "due to maintenance work in the coming days" for the past few months now?
thats just you :)
been on and off on occassion for me aswell, but not that much.
200, Stream not found, NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound, clip: '[Clip] 'videos/SD/58000/58329_4d3c65a9ee5a0_HQ.mp4''

This is what I get. Only the livestreams work, none of the videos. Is frustrating.
Yeah got that aswell. I thought you meant the livestreams aswell. On some days the videos work for me and on some days I get the same error as you.
if you dont want to grind only, just deinstall the game!
grind is fun if you have to do it with someone + you can go play some other game also if you got bored!
+ i'll play on some private server, dunno about rates
play on greed, you wont have to grind your ass off.
greed..3 days and i was 55 :D:D
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