Whatever you are eating...

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...it cant beat this

image: 5ZqWq

0,5e tuna + 0,4e United Kingdom noedels. Time to tank up on carbs.

What are you having for your nutritional satisfaction?
image: schnitzel_pommes1

greeeetzzz from Switzerland
80g chicken breast, 3 slices of wheat toast, peppers, onions, garlic, broccoli, coli flower, carrots + water,

last meal for today, finally :D!
Only 80g of chicken at one meal? Thats so tiny amount :o
wheat toast has 10 g protein and 80g of chicken breast is ~16g so:

26g protein

43g carbs

5g fat

Just had 200g chicken breast +2 slices wholewheat bread +2 scoops whey
enjoy the gas :>
No gas here although I used to enjoy 60g of protein in one meal ;-)
I wake up in a gas chamber when I eat so much before I go sleep so I just don't.. I still do 40g protein meals every now and then, espcially after training etc but I keep my ratio's the same by just skipping some protein on other meals, never take more then 2.2g/kg.. just waste of money for me :D
I have noticed that I recover faster when I take 300+ grams daily. :)
never really went beyond 200 and have no problems recovery wise.. have to force myself not to train more then 3x a week cuz I always feel like I'm completly heeled 2 days after really intense sessions.. I just really leave it all out there, sweat like a motherfucker, puke sometimes.. as long as I'm doing that it's all good even if I don't feel totally soar for a week.. that only happens when I have longer breaks and start again.. hate that so much btw, especially legs.. omfg :D
Just had spinazie. Gonna Popeye it up.
JUST HAD FRENCH FRIES .,, haha i pitty you for having to loose weight muwahaha,,

my fitness coach told me to gain 6 and its even harder then loosing it hehe
I deadlift more than you and your homo fitness coach together

E: really? a fitness coach?
coz i play sports on a high lvl we get coaching from zeh government for free:D
had own made spaghetti <3
i dont eat
eating is for weak ppl, so is sleeping
i lost 2kg in a week just for not eating
i bet u lost a lot of fat
go hack ur motherfucker mum somewhere else then in my comments. hacker.
tauno m8 :)
tuu vittu facebookkii löysin paskojen päivitysten äidin
So much ketchup shit looks really nasty...
what does 0.5e mean :O?

Ate 200 grams of Chicken and Rice with tomatoes and sauercreme
what does e[/e] mean :O?
I would like to eat United KingdomNoedel
Here is where gamers proove they are more than just gamers. They are all super body builders and know everything about being healthy.

<insert troll.jpg>
Yeah thanks for showing how much you know :D
Here is where nerds prove they are more then nerds. They are all super wiseass and nerds.
Tuna with ketchup?

image: TheHorror

How is that even healthy btw? Ketchup contains tons of sugar.
This is the only time of the week I use ketchup and I just use it to add flavour to that horrible shit food.
You don't like tuna?

That's crazy.
tuna has a nice taste without ketchup.
Quote+ 0,4e United Kingdomnoedels

i see what you did there and i like it

needs moar chicken though, i had spaghetti carbonara today
I have chicken but I also have shitload of tuna cans I need to get rid off -_-
hi noodle o/
hi carlito o/
just ate the best pizza ever mAN IM GETTING FAT
image: buttermilk

Well, not really eating :_D
150g tuna, 3 eggs and some cucumber :-D
How much do you weigh now?
Still 105 kg, so another ~10-15 kgs to lose this summer. It's 71 kgs in total now.
Nice progress there... How tall are you?
Around 185 cm. I would be still overweight according to most statistics with my desired 90-92 kgs but I don't care that much about it. Don't wanna be all skinny.

Gotta check how the skin is doing in 1-2 years and if muscle gain isn't helping enough to fill it up, I'll probably have to see a doctor about it :-(

Currently I'm hitting the weights 2-3 times a week and doing cardio (mostly running, football or biking) the other days. So in total that's 5-7 times sports a week. I'm pretty addicted to it by now, 2-3 days without any workouts and I'm going crazy :-D
Stop doing cardio and start lifting weights 4-5 times a week. Also when you have hit your desired weight, start a slight caloric surplus to start growing some muscle mass. Its up to your genetics how fast you can grow it. In 2 years wiith pure muscle hypertrophy-training you can add tens of kilos pure muscle mass if you were lucky in genepool lottery.
Amazing, keep it up, bro!
respect, seriously :)
post ur pic i wanna see what u actually look like,cuz u keep posting this shit food journals with shit food, i wanna see what results u achieved so far by going through all this shit food process
Random maccie dee
450g of quark
24g cashew nuts

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