slac doesnt work once again

whenever i start ET with slac it crashes. when i start ET it just stays on a grey screen and i need to reboot my pc but when i start it on another way its fine.
any ideas anybody?
Quotebut when i start it on another way its fine

so .. start it on another way
yea but you see you seem to need slac now a days
Delete the "+start et_fspro", or what was the line, you know.
Delete the "+start et_fspro", or what was the line, you know.
or delete your profiles in your et folder
je moet die command line ff leeg gooien en done :)
Q: I get grey screen when starting ET, how do I fix this?
The only reason for this to happen that we've seen so far is that you have a bad config in either etmain or etpro folder. The most common problem is the r_displayrefresh cvar set in one of them, so check out your configuration.

Most common solution is removing the "+set fs_game etpro" from the command line in SLAC. If this helps it, create a shortcut to SLAC.exe and add the following parameters to make it start ET the way you usually do: "+set fs_game etmain".

In some cases it helped removing or renaming the following file: etmain/videos/etintro.roq (to something else, e.g. just append '_' to the end) - it is the intro video you see when starting ET. Removing or renaming file will stop it from being shown each time you start ET. Please try this solution before asking.

Read the FAQ u FOCK
why so mad ?he is little and innocent and so cute,just look at him
i have the same m8, delete your profile folder every time before you start slac, that will do the trick. was really pissed off when slac came out then some1 said this and i had a boner
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