pistol demos

image: unled1wr

Maybe some of you haven't seen the sticked forum topic , or you might have but not sent any demos

I haven't recieved as many demos as i had hoped for, so please don't hesitate and send me your best pistol frags :)


Cheers :)
spam zLoL!
If the movie is going to be as shit as the banner I'd understand everyone who wouldn't want to send demos in.

E: Unless you provide any kind of sample I don't see this whole project raise any attention.
+ would just talk too much time to scan for pistol frags and check then if they're any good
banner took me 1min , and so what anyway

seriously hate internet cunts like you, only asking a simple question to do a movie for this game and wannabe hard nuts like you just wanna act hard by being a tard

btw your the one trying to raise attention to yourself
Oh, Frenchie having a hissy fit.

If you're asking people to spend time searching, (cutting) and uploading their demos and the projected outcome appears to be nothing but unsatisfactory, based on the little time and creativity you were willing to spend to make a decent form of request, you will never have good results. I, for one, would rather save time and my frags than send it to someone who seems to me to have chosen an endeavor too big for him and preferrably have my own fragmovie.

It wasn't meant to be a personal attack or a means to draw attention to myself, I just wanted to state that, in order to have a decent turnout from this community, you should spend some time considering the advertisement or at least offering people a piece of what they can expect. Neither do I know you nor any of your movies and due to that my first suggestion would be that this movie will suck, and the only way you could convince me (and others, because I doubt I'm the only one with the glaring lack of knowledge about your existence) would be with a test clip or at least some screenshots or a bit more info, other than 'community pistol movie'

E: And by the way, how was I a tard? I just pointed out that the banner sucks and you more or less admitted you were aware of that. I didn't insult you in any way, unlike you. Check your manners.
btw if you did know me i'm not french
I'm an english student , studying in france.
And anyway if you think so , its your opinion
but i'm sure when il release this movie you will be suprised...
As I wrote in the above text, I don't know you.
And yes, I do think so. I have spent some time with the concept and process of moviemaking for a couple of years so I like to think I have at least a bit of a clue. And now that I've seen the clip on vimeo you posted recently I'm explicitly not looking forward to the movie.
haha i see what you mean , that viemo test clip was just coz i was testing out quality but im studying in video editing so i'm getting better and better
but trust me you will see :)
Then I'd suggest you post a decent clip to attract potential partakers or start a project when you figured out how to make a movie.
ive not released a movie but been playing around with software for over a year yet so i know what i'm doing.
i'll make a trailer then sometime
No trailers please. Crossfire was swamped with trailers in '06-'08. Rather make a little creative display of what you can actually do and what theme the movie will ultimately have.
Ask Netherlands Azatej (irc name: noodle or noedel) for demos, he'll be glad to send them.

And his config.
worst troll attempt ever, gz.
send me some :P
I rarely get nice pistolfrags tbh :P
I can think of 1-2 but will keep them in case I feel like making a movie of my own or if Korea, Republic of remind/dante/bang9 wants to when he gets discharged from army.. you can use any that you find though, I don't really mind.
can i talk to you on irc?
will send later prolly. 180 2 hs pistol frag
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