The end of the world!
20 May 2011, 13:51
Are you guys ready for this? The end of this raped world? cuz they found already a new one that we can rape!
35.2 %
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64.8 %
(35 votes)
The prophecies say that in the end of the days, people with the mark of the beast on their bodies will appear.
Behold, several people have an Apple Co logo tattoo:
The bite out of the Apple logo of course symbolizes Adam and Eve eating the forbidden apple.
if u mean the prophecy of the bible, it says another thing, that all people will have to decide between the beast (and they will get a mark of the beast) or Jesus.
I think that's solid proof that I am the Antichrist.
Oh, and
e: And BTW, the Bible never said it was an apple!
e2: I just realized that took the fun out of this thread :(