et help

well i was having some probs with my et, so i reinstalled etc, but occasionaly im getting kicked for integrety failure (server disconnected - integrity failure to be precise). It doesnt happen at all when i use default config, but when i load mine it happens usually at a map change. I can connect straight away back to the server but its annoying if im disconnected from bio for example. Any possible reasons why this might be happening ? I cant imagine its to do with my config since nothing is out of bounds and its not a pb kick so, im stumped atm.
That's sh*tty :D
its not that bad just kinda annoying :<
PB uptade? patch? fuck I rly dunno whats wrong

Wait brb, i'm going to trow myself through the window,
must be hax :(

but try updating pb in the first place
start removing things you have added recently to your cfg one by one till it stops
aza is too sexy for me
Evan braaksiek ftw :d
Why the fuck would you be worried if you get kicked from Bio? It's not as if it's a good server.

Run pbweb and look for any gay files / cvars you 'added'
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