
So I was just browsing through some clans in the OC groups, and I stumbled upon this clanpage:

I couldn't help noticing how much it really looks like the temporary page that I made for clanALIS, in the spring. Obviously some people doesn't respect something called copyright laws...

Ohhh and I joined HB today :D

He didn't do a fuck except from changing members & warresults (pure HTML & no skill intended) and ofc the (c) footer :D Relegation to 7th league is a good punishment!
Nah, they use another date format.

Oh and HB \o/
rofl proLMR wie low :X
Ach war das nicht shay? ^^
niggers, and happy birthday mate
1. HB Arachon 2. Are u annoyed about loosing every time or isn't it possible to contact the clan before writing a journal about this?
Ehm what? The site isn't my buisness. But isn't it a bit useless to write a journal? If you would be just interested in to respect your work and not to take your codes, you should contact us instead of writing a journal. Anything else is just attention whore.

P.S.: I will punish the clanmate who does it! I guess with a lash, but I need to think sorry arachon.
When a guy steals something like your TV, do you:
1. Go to the guy and say: "Please dont use my TV and give it back"
2. Go to the police and get him arrested.

The only police I have is international laws etc. and I do not want to start a lawsuit against some people, cause I do not have the money for this.

But I a extremely pissed about this, since this is the brainwork of me; eventhough this is a very small page design, this is stealing. And since the people who stole the page I did, did not contact me about it... why should I contact them?
I agree completly that this should'nt happen. Like I said it's not my buisness and I did'nt know it before you wrote this journal. And when the "Site Administator" will come online he will change it for sure.

But your comparation sucks a bit. Because of its not about the moral price "its my television". It based on money like always. That's why u wanna him punish. And this page is not related to money.

If anybody doesn't pay your money on ebay. Will you go to the police or will you write an E-Mail at first? You ask me why you should contact "them/us"? Maybe because of the problem would be fixed? I can't realise your aim. Don't you want the stolen code will be deleted? It seems no, but what can be your aim then without attention whore?

If you would have money you would call the police instead of solving this problem with a short contact? no comment....
QuoteBut your comparation sucks a bit. Because of its not about the moral price "its my television". It based on money like always. That's why u wanna him punish. And this page is not related to money.
This has nothing to do with money. If a guy stole my TV, it wouldn't be the money-issue that would trouble me. Neither is the case with this website.

QuoteI can't realise your aim. Don't you want the stolen code will be deleted? It seems no, but what can be your aim then without attention whore?
Of course I want the stolen code deleted and like Gaso wrote; a public humiliation is probably what I aim for.
And like I wrote : Well if it's the way to call so.'s bluff...nice community. So your objective is completed. ;).

You get punished us. Your code will be deleted. End of story. I wish you a nice birthday. :)
Thank you :)

Just have a look at this case from my view. I spent some amount of time building this small page and without me knowing it, somebody steals it all.
Yes of course I can understand you. I just would liked to solve it in another way. But nvm now... :)
Rofl worst comparison ever. If a guy copies my tv and uses his copy at his home, I don't care!

But I completely agree with you that copying that design (which I think is more your problem than that css/html code which just represents it) and putting a "© Copyright 2006 - sHay @" notice below it is kinda .... well that shay guy sucks anyways (probably because he is yerman) :>
That's what I meant. And he's not a german, he's a bavarian!
No not copying my TV, stealing my TV.

The action of stealing here is implied in the action of the person pressing ctrl+C follow by ctrl+V. The fact that the action includes an action called copy does not mean that this is a simple copying; this case is classified by law as stealing.

So, I do not think that my comparison is the worst ever :)
But you still can use ur codes. But you couldn't use ur television. ^^
It's not classified by law as stealing (I don't know about us/britain .. laws, just german ones). The same way as 'stealing electricity' is not stealing. Because there is one pragraph about what stealing means and that says
Wer eine fremde bewegliche Sache einem anderen in der Absicht wegnimmt, die Sache sich oder einem Dritten rechtswidrig zuzueignen, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.

which is translated (hard to translate such texts.. so probably not very good):
QuoteWho takes a movable object from another persion with the intention of acquiring it for oneself or a third person will be punished with up to 5 yrs prison or a penalty

And since noone is taking away anything from you, nor is data a movable object you cannot steal it. (but you could ofc. steal a cd)...

That stealing comparison in the regard of copyable data with reallife objects is just the worst thing you can do, because stealing in general seems immoral, while it seems on the other hand immoral to prevent people to spread data which could actually increase the living standard for nearly everyone around the world at no cost. :>
Copyright laws do exist in the Internet. Taking legal action because someone stole a small website might be exaggeration, but a public humiliation like this serves you well.

In certain areas, Internet is serious business.
I know. I never denied it. :/ Well if it's the way to call so.'s bluff...nice community. So your objective completed. ;)
happy birthday Ara!!

that website is just sad :)
It's Ara who is sad...
image: aracat

Happy birthday website!
HB ara o/
I really, really, really hate people who copy a site and just change the fcking copyright notice !
HB Ara
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