Brink flopped?

Edit: /Steam stats/

image: 2rejsxf

14 May , Brink Playerspeak 17 000
No enemy territory?
steam related I guess
traditionally your CS/CSS demographic have plenty of time to play on fridays and saturdays so this is a slightly skewed sample but ok
People saying a game flopped/sucks after it came out a week ago

a game with only a mp (worth to mention)that is only being able to be played over steam with 5k ppl playing is a huge success. considering that BFBC2 still got more with a shitload of ppl not even playing over steam :3 also considering that the peak/actual numbers are dropping day by day :3
no, its not


what do you do in ME 2 online ?
Its not multiplayer only there :P
aaa. ME 2 is awesome
waiting for 3rd!
My laptop prolly wont handle it :(
lol'd at FM 11
FM11 cool game ;)
nothing surprising, a great game :P
yeah it is awesum( have played 700h :D) but wouldn't think that it is so popular
Better small pro game then a big noob game

ironsight on pro games? looool
player moves like in cod? =DDDD

seems you havent played brink, generally dont use ironsight :)

and the movement is about as cod like as ET's
shooting at distance without ironsight?! :D suprising that this works for you, atleast it doesnt for me :D
cant keep your finger down of course - ET is simply the only game that you dont need to do some long range burst fire in while standing up long range :D

3-4 bullet bursts in brink work fine at long range, can spray at short/medium :)
tell me if that kind of mechanics in the game makes it fun to own and get owned
all games except ET has good amount of recoil.
what games other than ET can you keep your finger down long range while standing up?

afaik there are none (not played at a high level at least)
the obvious answer: quake

but you cant stand up and get a low amount of spread with continuous fire, the incremental spread is not "that" low in ET
and with good I presume you mean "too high"
and no, there is barely any games like ET sadly, but there is a few that is played competitively, noone which is very new though

not so obvious answers: urban terror, team fortress(to an extent), halo and several high profit korean first person shooters.
also, the map sizes and recurring firefights happens with less distance compared to many other shooters.
main weapons used in quake are not continuous fire though - MG has higher spread than ET but that is not what I was talking about, ET has no recoil on the main weapons, only pistol does I think and most people use the fps cmds to try and limit this.
lets drop quake because there is so many versions of it.

but yeah okay TRUE recoil, only pistol, panzer and scoped weapons have it indeed. But I dont get why you mix it up with burst fire(read: spread control) and why it would be a good thing/thing of importance.
burst fire = no recoil if done properly

ET you dont need to burst fire with smg

pretty much the only thing I was pointing out :D
ye true, and it feels good to aim like that after few games. so i dont get all that people who hate ironsight and doom brink cause it has some :D
i kinda like brink tbh :{
forever alone ?
same, only guys with shit pcs hatin
i agree

and i dunno how i came to this old journal
ga je het kopen?:)
ja eind van de week heb ik hem, speel momenteel op die van squid
haha dat is het dus. zag dat hij al 14 uur had gespeeld en ik maar 4, maar het is dus gezamelijk
Seeing as people have to have pretty good computers compared to COD + CS it's pretty good. Don't see crysis2 up there :\
that is one big issue with brink - the spec of machine needed especially source-based and cod/iw-based games look just as good if not better
Terraria is such an awesome game!
It kinda aches for more content, and I ache for people to play it with :()
wtf is Terraria
ET > brink
more of a suprise both terraria and portal 2 have so many concurrent players despite having limited content.
more than Fable 3?
haha .. nice to see all these et only geeks whining ..
noone said brink will be anywhere near et ..

and it is doable playing without ironsight .. like merl explained.. burst shots, etc pp.
there's different weapons in brink, and one of them is feels pretty 'rtcw/et' like.

i also like brink but i'll wait for a pro mod .. and for some cvar lists / cfg's to pop out.

i like the 'smart' thang .. i hate fov 85 or whatever it is, though!
Fov is changeable now.
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