Silly atheists, Richard FAILkins..

Oh hai gais! So I've heard atheist say the Bible isn't true, haaaaaaaaugh!
If that's true, then the truth is wrong, PERIOD!
The Bible isn't wrong, as I have read alot of books and watched alot of independant movies releated to Bible, haaaaaaugh!
Atheist don't know what they're talking about! Nothing in the Bible was ever disproved and it's all the truth and the way I'm going to live my life and direct and write my independat movies, haaaaugh!

What a story atheist!!! Hahahahauuuugh, rott in hell!!

image: tommy-wiseau
If God doesn't exist then how did he write the bible?

God didn't write the bible idiot.

Jesus did.
Troll elsewhere Atheist.
I heard, that David Hasslehoff was actually the author.
There's no other explanation..

David Hasselhoff is jesus.
Sounds fairly logical to me!
i dont believe in it, but i am not an atheist
If god exists why didnt the world go under yesterday?
Because THE MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE gave him a drop kick. Haven't you heard? jeeeez
If just more people would believe in God, the world would be a better place to live!
are u serious?
he is right
Ye like Catholics and prot....

Oh shit.
Well, on the other hand, if nobody believed in a god the world would also be a better place to live.
totally agreed 100%
that's right
Not really, since that way they fight over how to believe and what to specifically believe. You don't have that problem with no belief.
People like to fight, if there is no reason to fight, they will find one, apart from that, can you tell me who is fighting but please refrain from mentioning american created, non existent Jihad or the zionist filthy agenda & massacres in Palestine.
Not talking about actual fighting. Just constant bigotry, discrimination, arguing, etc, that kinda stuff. They not only argue within their own religions, but also with others and even those without.
That is the human nature, the people that argue and fight, argue and fight for this and many other reasons, most of the common people don't. I'm sure that people above certain cultural and education level that are somewhat religious, any religion, are the people less likely to steal, manipulate, lie and fall under the claws of greed than the people that don't.
Your theory would hold more water if it wasn't for the fact that the percentage of atheist prisoners is a lot smaller than that of the population. For any and every religion, it is not.
How can you be so sure of that? It's hard to tell what is the amount of atheist and believers, yet harder to tell the amount of imprisoned that follow any religion. Most of these that believe take the title from home, and forget about it. I do think that the average families that believe are less likely to fraud than these that don't. The people that commit crimes in theory couldn't be religious since the religion forbids them from doing any harm to the other.
They have to fill it in bro. Why would they lie about it anyway?

Also don't give me the 'true religious' bullshit.
Which god to be precise?
God of the bible
He's the most boring one of them all.
nah, religion is a really egocentric way of living. because you're afraid to go to hell you do good stuff.

if you get rid of your religion you realise that you do good stuff because it's what society is based on, and because it's just awesome to make other ppl happy...
Wtf? The n.t. teaches those values and morals to have a good social living
soz, might be retarded but I do not know what you mean by N.T.

The point I'm trying to make is that for an atheist values and morals are a choise, for someone religious they're an order.
The new testament.
Hell and all those punishments are only in the old testament (i think) and church teaches mainly the n.t. also I doubt that many religious persons/believers believe in all this heaven/hell thing. Even my grand-grand-ma didn't think this way anymore XD
Religious ppl do good because its an order? That seriously is fucking ridiculous, you can't be serious..
In fact the majority still believes in Heaven and Hell. Only the ones that follow "modern versions" of their religions have abandoned that concept.

Ye mate, I'm really serious. Of course there are tons of good religious people that want the best for everyone, but the general consensus is that you follow the 10 commandments because elsewise you'll end up in hell.

Don't try to convince me otherwise, I've been brought up religious, been to church more than good for me, and (how unfortunately in this time of open information) know enough people who still are...
if everybody in the world was atheist there would be one less reason for war conflicts and genocides...
Terrorists abuse religion for that reason, but the koran says if other religions and non-believers are peaceful to you, there's no reason to fight them. Try comparing the number of normal muslims to extremists of the religion..
I am not saying they would not make wars or conflicts, I am just simply saying that there would be one less excuse to use (actually, this point was well covered in Southpark, season 10, episodes 12&13). Its kinda human nature to start and getting involved into conflits, its been like that forever
Okey, thought you would also mean that there would be less conflicts :)
Might be that terrorist groups would get less supporters, if they all knew 'bout that (but maybe they even idea)
ppl would find better reasons
Atheist or theist you should at least be capable of respecting other human beings, so long as they aren't indoctrinating children.
Human beings don't have the rights to have rights!
makes sense for a jew i guess
Yes and human beings
jews aint human lol :D
Agreed, hence they have the right to have rights
they dont, weird religious people :s
stupids religious & jews
Atheist? Respect?? Hahahhahaaugh, one of the Atheist cult members, Stalin, killed millions of people and indoctorated alot of people into (satan)communism against their will!!!111
Just shut the fuck up, you're not trolling anyone.
I am only God's servant, you heretic!

“The Devil himself, which is the author of confusion and lies.” James (ch. IV, v. 7)
If you were actually delusional enough to believe that, I'd suggest you reconsider your ways because you make God and his followers look like downright cunts.
“Talk of the devil, and his horns appear” Job (ch. XVIII, v. 14)
bible = best trolling source ever
you're such a fucking awful troll
yea, same goes to adolf hitler!
aarghh hahah arghhhfuh hooieho how many people killed in the name of god aar highiwa
and how many people were killed in ideological systems without gods, for example communism, fashism? People always were killing mostly not because of their believe, but of other reasons, like power and money.
just remember witch hunting, crusades and who knows what else, what difference does it make? or u think killing in name of God is acceptable?
what is indoctrination? Telling a child there is a God or there is no God?
Either. Teaching about both from the same age and letting make up their minds however is not.
Both. I recently had this discussion with a catholic and I concede you have to be careful in making the distinction. Personally I could only ever tell a child what I believe and why I believe it, making a child believe there is no God through intimidation is just the same as making a child believe there isn't a God through intimidation, it isn't right imo.

My argument was that the catholic Church typically requires it's followers to bring up their children as catholics. She believed this is just the same result as atheist parents bringing their children into atheism and takes issue with neither. I agree it's the same but I think neither are really morally correct.
I can only talk about myself here, but when I grew up we never talked about religion and absence thereof at home. I was baptized right after I was born, and was later confirmed (Protestant). I had RE in school from year 1 through 11 or 12 (don't remember exactly). I left church when I was 17 after, for the first and only time I had to pay church tax. I am an atheist through and through now. I don't feel like I have been indoctrinated into that direction, but having religious classes in school shifts my perception of indoctrination further to the 'religion' side.
Bringing your child into atheism is a bit like bringing your child into non-astrology... :S

I agree that you should only tell people what you believe and why, presenting evidence and such, rather than making a factual statement and claiming there's a consequence for not believing it.
Bringing the children up as catholics or other christians (based on christian norms) is not indoctrination.
i cant tell, is this journal really serious?
Quote by rationalwikiPoe's Law states

Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that SOMEONE won't mistake for the real thing.

Nathan Poe knows his shit.

the constant haaaaaaaaugh! haaaaaaaaugh! was what confused me x)
Quotefundament (plural fundaments)
The part of the body upon which one sits; the buttocks; specifically, the anus.

I can really see where all this fundamentalism stuff is coming from
Good journal.
fuck god :D
one word: m-theory
Anyone who believes in GOD/Jeusus is a fucking moron and can't handle that there is nothing afther death. Afraid idiots. Pope is a fucking idiot and the whole church is a joke, pedophile fags.
true story bro, let's stick to only proper religion out there.

allaaaaahu akbaar
now u can take off ur hand from the panties :d
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