pirates arrrrrr matey

the only good map is pirates

frozen_b2, like wtf dude, ice, no ice, looks like counter strike shitmap
midnight_b2, again wtf, 50 fps on some parts
pirates_b2, good
tm_jungle_b1, all the bushes wtf and wtf about spawning at flag, no sense, u cant get out the trenches, learn u rifle if u want easy frags lol!
tounine_b2, 2nd best map, dont like the textures though
what about castle?
midnight_b2 = castle.
i only played pirate & tounine,

tounine was awesome while pirates was the worst map i played ( shit spawntime, too much places to camp )
i agree, jungle and frozen are just ridicilous, its like purefrag
pirates and tounine are quite nice idd, still need some changes tho
pirates went from easy fullhold to easy rush @ 1st stage
i went to the new pirates film the other day :P in 3D!

midnight = nearly 17 mb for a comp. map ":D"
where can these be played?
jungle needs some editing but im fine with tounine frozen. pirates is not balanced
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