
id like to buy a new game, since most are playing lol and aion and im kinda bored from time to time, there is not much ET going on.

im already playing CSS and i enjoy it, but just from time to time...

so i thought about BRINK or SC2, usually i prefer fps before strategy games, but well SC2 is still an option, because its just no random game.

what would you guys recommend?

i also would like to hear other suggestions.

e: got Netherlands Fropped :D

depends on what you like

sc2 = 2 nerd

brink = spray and pray
mh dunno, dont care too much about the genre

just want to have some fun and wont play the game serious
If you don't care about the genre then what's to discuss

SC2 is one of the finest games out there

Brink is (another) shit shooter
mh well, just from experience i would say, fps is more fun for me, but i enjoyed wc3 alot aswell.

also im a little feared, sc might be too nerdy, because im not interessted in learning a lot of theory, basically just want to have some fun.
^ this

SC2 , the more i play brink the more i hate it actually.

depends on what you like

sc2 = 2 pro

brink = spray and pray
im playin RTCW from time to time, but only 3o3, because in 6o6 im getting annoyed by panzer o_0
lol didn't know peoples still play rtcw...
theyre both very diff games....
youre alive o_O?
Yeah man! Got revived for Brink, playing away at that for the time being!
you mean, you revived yourself.
Self revive aint allowed in scrims why yo hatin?
im not hating, im just trying to be funny.
Self revive has caused me much pain :( a touchy subject!
cool, would play it too but cant get stable 30 fps ":D"
somewhow weird, had around 60 in etqw >_> also all of the new games run pretty okish, just brink man, JUST BRINK ~.~
cant afford new pc, so im just out of the game.

depends on what you like

sc2 = 2 nerd

brink = spray and pray
Well Brink loves men

so buy brink if ur gay

[x] in before: "HoN is better than LoL!"
scroll up :D
sc2 paRa! :)
Totally uncomparable games. I would go for Brink tho, it's quite fun :)
A very interesting question, both games posses different qualities,however, very different in the way they're played. The game 'Brink', boasts a 'smart' system: a system which allows the player to parkour over any obstacle with the click of a button. Not only that, but, the game eloquently promotes team-play through their 'xp' system. Brink also requires an element of aim, like all fps's, however there is a certain degree of 'spray and pray'. Although the game itself is brilliant, it requires a lot of patching, therefore I advise you to wait for the pro-mod. The competitive side of the game is objective based, be it escorting a bot or delivering fluids to power a jumbo jet, thus showing it has taken one of the greatest assets of Enemy Territory and replicated it. Overall 'Brink' can be compared to an egg, it can either be cooked into a delicious snack, or cracked on the floor resulting in a mess.

The game 'Starcraft' is all you expect from an R.T.S, if that be your kind of game then get it.
thanks for that response! :)
sc2 if you're willing to invest the time.
sc2 is awesomeness
I'd definately say sc2
SC2 then you can't rage at your team for been shit
para get bf:bc2
If you want to end up playing MP but want to put in little or no effort, don't bother buying SC2 because it probably won't be too much fun. Just stick to an FPS for some pubbing action.
thats exactly what im afraid of, because i dont rly want to put too much effort at the chosen game!
just want to play for some fun.

still not sure btw xD
sc2 is better game, harder and takes more time
Shhh, stop recruiting more nerds into SC2.
bfbc2 or ql :D!
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