never buy a trust mouse

So I ignored all your advice and still bought a Trust GXT14S, and it's absolutely shit.

It aims decently, and has several DPI modes, but when you move really fast it still trips like any random laser mouse.

And now, after 4 or 5 weeks, the left mouse button decided to randomly refuse about 20% of the time. Really nice when you're trying to shoot someone and your mouse just ignores your LMB clicking till you punch it through another dimension.

Fuck Trust, fuck shite mouses, and fuck being too poor to buy a decent mouse.

image: 433-this-is-a-fire-please-die-in-it-immediately
lol how much did u pay
only 10eu, not that much, but still...
what did you expect for 10 euro lol :)
reviews online were actually pretty decent, and no I didn't expect it to break this soon :/

e: and it was on sale-off, normally 15 euros!!!!
haha gamer mouse for 10$

"4-5 weeks"
A random company named Trust selling cheap IT products sounds really trustworthy.
I saw some Trust -branded antivirus software in the local market a few years back. I sincerely feel sorry for everyone who bought it.
have a Trust USB hub and Trust router @ mom's house, after a year or 5 both still work fine and haven't broken till date.
looks pretty huge maybe you could use it to cover your horrible face??
10€ .. what did you expected haha :D
idiot, i bought trust gm4200 5-6years ago, and it still works for 30euros!

idk what shit you bought,and what did you do with your mouse, but if u cant take care of your gear, then u shouldnt even have one since its obviously your fault for not being able to care, and now that its broke, u whine about how shit the mouse/company is.
now I get it
Quotebut when you move really fast it still trips like any random laser mouse.

one way or the other, it's still shit...
Quotebut when you move really fast it still trips like any random laser mouse.

it looks like u dont know shit about laser mice
looks like a logitech g9 xD
get mx518 have fun long hours
So the problem is you move to fast, why blame the mouse?
why you trust the trust?
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