Just another day #2

just another day..

Imagine, the sounds of epicness waving trew your ears, the heroic feeling while listening to the sounds of pure epicness.
Now you might have a clue how I felt while walking over the streets. Today would be my day!

I was listening to the epic songs of Singing Star and heroicly embraced the forces of nature.
Wind and sunshine battled me on my way to destiny, but I faced them head on.
They couldn't stop me from getting what was always ment to be mine!
I took a deep breath, this was the moment of truth. Would I be able to hang on? Or would the endless battle of economy corrupt me with there flashy discounts...
Thoughts were running trew my mind, I flinched and just standed still before those huge doors of shattering.

I looked around me, I saw people walking, cars driving, dogs barking.
Everything seemed so peacefull. Nobody seemed to notice the huge disturbance behind these doors.
I shivered, this was the moment. I took a deep breath and went trew the huge doors.
And while I made my way further into the supermarket I noticed how flashy cupboards and discount stickers tried to distract me from my goal, but I did not fail.
I went head on, straight to my objective, to my... precious.
I bravely rescued it from the cage that was holding it in this evil economic warzone.
I knew I had to hurry, I didn't have much time.
I was searching for the exit, but I couldn't find it.
With sweaty palms I started to rush, did I made a mistake by coming to this place? Was I destined to be stuck in the disturbance of this economic warzone?
I paniced and was about to give up hope, but right on that moment I saw it, I saw the machines.
While gathering strenght within me I was making my way to the machines. I felt, hope...
I felt safe for the first time inide this economic warzone.
I handed my precious over to a friendly girl who beeped it and returned it in my hands. After I gave her a fee I made my way to the exit.
I started to hesitate, was this really the end, did I really made it? I looked over my shoulder, nowone was following me. My hope increased while I approached the huge doors to the exit.
I went trew the doors and was back on the streets.
I felt heroic, I made it.

And right now I'm enjoying my Precious No I don't smoke, just couldn't find another picture with my precious on it
I think I well deserved the sweet-taste-of-heaven-drink after my heroic rescue.
<3 peace ijsthee from the aldi.

So how was your day?:)

Random chick
I don't get your reply =o
famous american quake legend, "EG (evil geniuses) CHANCE"

its same as i'd use HeatoN nick

no offence:D
Shitty, as usual.
Poorly written, full of cliché phrases, grammatical errors over and over. Generally a pain to read.

E: And random chick isn't random-chick-worthy.
Made my car parking exam and transistion( i think it's called like that )exam in english , to 12 class
So kinda nice day , i hope i gonna roll in LoL now.
how can you call bree olson a random chick....
Didn't even realize it was her. She's pretty fugly in that pic.
Wow how exciting :-P exam in the morning and now i have to learn for the upcoming exam :-)
dont aprove the chick
Stopped reading at trew.
ugly random chick + fail cuz no hide tags

[.hide=random chick][.img]adress of ur lovely chick[/img][/hide]

e: get a better chick
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