Should I buy Brink?


First let me tell you all about me:
nobody cares

Second: Should I buy Brink?

Thrid: I dunno how to make polls.

Fourth: I fail at typing third.
Wait till next week...
if u want to kill a great game like et sure go on !
Don't kill ET please.. its the only game my windows 98 can handle.
no, wait till it starts going for 5$
:D + there might be a promod when it is cheap ^^
no doubt buy it , only 30€

ik post 1 iets in 3 jaar en 2 minuten later een ex clan member die replied ^^
haha, zag je naam staan:P
It's not bad, but it's not flawless either. Needs a promod, although it's enjoyable even in vanilla.

As said, there are flaws, mainly the spread still being quite large (probably partly caused by the rate of fire being so high in all the weapons) and also there are many things that reek of console gameplay, e.g. all the objectives like constructing stuff and capturing command posts are really clumsy and it annoys me. You can see it at roughly 1:25 in this video: - basically you simply cannot see anything that's going on around you when you're capturing a command post. You also can't properly take cover behind the command post or obstacles around it when capturing it, often resulting in annoying deaths.

But yes, I still recommend the game. Will surely be great when the modding SDK comes out, and as it is now it's still good.
buy it. Most haters can't afford the game or their computer is shit. Great game
Yup, that's me!
Can't afford + pc is shit :D
bullshit, just coz ur dad is paying!
It's a nice and fun game, still unstable atm but every new game needs time, besides, 40 euro or whatever it costs is nothing anyway.
its fun for a week and then it gets pretty old incase you are not scriming , and i dont feel like scriming with this shitty aimingsystem atm

wait for the first promod and look in what direction the game is going ... i wouldnt bother if they keep the spread&recoil-kicks and just make it more CoD like.

tl;dr no wait.
Lol'd at thrid :D
Zieke oldschooler :). Thc pls? :D
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