et stretched

reinstalled windows lately and since then et is stretched when i wanna play 1024x768 with black stripes at the side

its cuz of nvidia settings

that should be activated, but as soon as i apply it jumps back to default

any1 knows a fix for this that works? i already looked throught forums etc for hours but didnt find a working patch or somthing
go to monitor options and enable 4:3 aspect ratio
at OSD settings or nvidia? at osd theres nothing like that. and at nvidia settings i didnt find :s
Try updating your driver. I'm not sure if they fixed it within this year...
tried several drivers, from original CD that i had with the card to the newest available :c
In Nvidia settings click "use Nvidia scaling"

Make sure apply and restart or so. If not working, find out about ur monitor refreshrate (for example mine is 61 hz) and set that same value in ur cfg = r_displayrefresh "61"
already got that, its 120 hz
r_displayrefresh "75"
Play with native resolution and enjoy superior quality
i dont really like it and dont care about quality in et ;d
Well, the thing is that with a higher resolution you'll be able to make out small details better, especially in the distance.
Idd. If you get good distance view, ur aim is better, ur tracking is better.
found solution now
using drivers from 2006 or so called 96.89 :D
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