
Maybe, if you put a sound on the mortar if its falling ?
then its oke, because then you can hide and know they are shooting mortars.

and i mean a "falling" sound,

It actually makes a sound while it's flying, same goes for the panzerfaust. Just check one of your demos with mortar- or panzercam. Apart from that, when a mortar is falling directly towards you, you can't really hear it (or so I'm told).
no use, you cant get away fast enough imo, even if you could hear it.
What are you worrying about anyway? Nobody has the mortar in their config anymore.
check the sky imo!
this is world war 2, ppl didnt actually have "HOMING MISSILES INCOMING" warning then. And its true that in rl you can only hear the mortar when it falls, not when its about to fall. And btw, the mortar would become useless if you knew when it would fall...
This is a game, you don't really think ppl had hitsounds back then, do you?
true... but maybe they had bells that rang on impact with bullets behind their uniforms when axis and allies fought, so thats how hitsounds where created
They didn't need hitsounds in WWII, people didn't need 3 headshots to die and they weren't unhittable.

tis blizzard btw :p
hi! sup n stuff
i lol'd do you think that in WWII they had 130 hp and could received 2 hs without dying ? XD
hey dude this is et not ww2

a pc game which has pretty much nothing to do with real war when it comes to gameplay :p
Although it aint WW2 and only a game, alot of the maps and shit are based on real missions :)
You did have alarmZ that went off when zhe planeZ came to drop zhe bombZ.
good hacks display an icon and impact time where it will be hitting
Its very simple. If you make a good game, every move has to have a countermove. Look at Mortal Combat. Say you got an unblockable move, wich doesnt have a counter. So in the end, wether you think the unblockable move (mortar) is fair or not, you will have to use it if you want to win. If you dont use it, thats very nice of you. Still your opponent will use it, in wich case you are fucked.

Say both teams use mortar. Then in the end ET would come down to the team having the best mortar (read timing & coordinates). What competition needs is skill. Not unblockable ubermortars comming from the sky. Besides, even if you add sound to the mortars its still pointless as they have a splashrange double of an RTCW panzafaust. Hiding just isnt an option. Killing a mortar also isn't. Banning the little sneakyh mofo is :)

Mortar on oasis defuse?
Mortar on SD2, second part?

In the first example you need enough lotto to run inside and out the guns while defusing. But then ppl would just start planting ontop of the guns, so the time needed to defuse, run out and run back in to finish defuse would be to long.

Mortar on SD2 just means you can forget any oldskool cp defence as you will be either killed by the mortar or pushed into the open to avoid the mortar but then you get killed by the allies attacking CP. If you use the mortar on the spawn its even more entertaining as you force that axis team to stay inside spawn for an additional 5 seconds, wich is all you need for a plant.

Conclusion: keep mortar banned! and bring back mg, its the only weapon i can do multikills with :'(

€: LOL zomg 1st! ban, format, unexpected 'n shit
je zit niet eens op school, kankersukkel
perfo hears the mortar coming, np!
plz mortar is rly shit. the second step now is to remove MG ( soz twidi )
Ehm, leave it out and pension the mg42 aswell!
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