CZ&SK SLAC'server

Hello crossfire!
Some of you know already, but some of you may not. This is an official announcement of a newly formed etpro server which appears in your server-list! We welcome and invite all players, from those who just want to chill out and spend their free time playing the game for fun, to those who play competitively and need some warm up before matches. It has 20 slots, 4 of which are private slots. There also play mostly guys from CZ&SK community (#czet) (CZ&SK Community preffered, cuz CZ&SK Server)

Preffered languages in server are Czech Republic/Slovakia/United Kingdom

Admins: aiRen, `iR|milhAus
Developer: HQL

Server is still in "build mode". Tomorrow will be stats, and other co.

Server ip:
Located in Praha, Czech Republic Czech Republic, 10 Gb connectivity
Mappol: Supply, Adlernest, Bremen, Radar, Goldrush, et_ice, Karsiah_te (This will change after some decisions)

Some come on and KEEP IT FULL !

I came to prac this morning and you ignored me.

MarseilleLeFrancis doesn't recommend this server.
Oh come on man, Czech Republic TAMJEE also playing here :)

I invite you ;)
tamjee = cikani
if lefrancis no recommend then must be bad place. thanks will avoid
np friend always a pleasure to help gayming player
Located in Praha, Czech Republic

get radar ooot?
add like pirates_b1 or something like that it's new server get a few new maps!~
Mapplist will be changed. And yes, 1 map from TLR mapping contest will be added.
spam more.. make a news post too!
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