mx 518

since a few days my mx518 stops working ingame. the red light disappears and nothin works. when i go to windows, wait like 10 seconds it appears again and everything works fine till it stops again. its the end of my mouse or a bug? worked fine so far. its like 1 year old :(
reistall ET and Reinstall mousedrivers and Format
same happened to my old mx310, im using mx 518 also atm
wire is prolly broken. try it on another computer. If its the wire, you can either
a) use waranty
b) open up mouse and use another moues usb chord. You'll have to do some crazy stuff and you will prolly end up destroying your mouse and waranty

You can use the same cord. You only need to cut off a bit, it's too long anyways.

PS. I was considering buying a G5 for cord and swap it over to my MX518. :D
It's too short tbh. I always have to use a USB extension cable to make the wire long enough for my MX500. I assume the MX518 has the same cord length...
Heh, my mousepad's right next to my case. :p
* sell mouse on ebay
* buy Razer Copperhead
thats kinda personal dont you think
I don't think so. Imho (which means i never tried G5 or MX518) razer mice react a lot faster. And 1000hz polling rate is kind of nice
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