black box help

Playing ET everythings fine.. config is IceQ's ( Great cfg btw ) anyways.. vid restart.. now my ET is in a black box.. my config settings are fine tried r_fullscreen 1 aswell but that didn't solve it.. i'm sure ATI_ had this problem too but i don't know if he fixed :/


Jayy <3

EDIT: i used another config and now i dont have the box just to big black bars on the sides of my screen..
Alt+Enter does nothing or?
tried that too, still nothing :(
sounds weird m8, may change resoultion? if not i can may give you my cfg, try it out and check those graphic settings if they are different
Can i get a link for your config, its not on your profile <3
its the r_mode i think
change resolution !

use "search" next time :p
seta r_customheight 900
seta r_customwidth 1600
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