Heroes of Nerds
25 May 2011, 22:14
shit being ddos'd 2nd day on a row? are they fucking kidding me?
gogo indians googogo
gogo indians googogo
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
then servers crashed again :D :D /D/D
i dont ever read the forums lol
svenska superstar progamer in every game ferus, german cheater squad (carlito, predi), anime nerd linux club(perfo & co), BOOM G5 PLAYAA SHRYOUUUKEN (waki & co) estonian bros (x3nja), and a shitload of other guys who understand that HON, THAT MOTHERFUCKING HEROES OF NEWERTH, IS FAR, BY FAAAR BETTER THAN UR LOL UGLY TETRIS GRAFIX SLOW PIECE OF SHIT GAME.
mad rage yo
and btw, good in ET =/ good in LoL/HoN
Well didnt like LoL either when played first.
Many irl friends playing lol so i stick with it
Would be propably playing hon if friendz be playin' it.
Just sayin'
I have both of the games, but kinda like LoL more, although it might have to do with it being the first one of the two that I tried (although I had played some DotA before).
IMO HoN is technically way better and it has many features that LoL should also have, such as pause- and kickvotes, but I also find the graphics to be a lot more confusing with like everything being of an indistinguishable dark green hue. There are also several more confusing things in HoN, such as none of the skillshot abilities having a clear indicator of the range or the aiming vectors without an addon, unlike in LoL where they are indicated much more clearly.
On top of that, if you thought you find a lot of whining and feeding retarded teenagers in League of Legends, well fuck, HoN has tenfold the amount and more.
i find it depressful
ophelia man