brink dying

I hate to say it, but I think brink is dying. I love the game and I know what I am using for this statement is not really accurate but on Monday there was around 1200 servers, Tuesday there was around 977 servers, Today there is 567 servers.

What's going on :(
die brink die
when i seen this my sleepy faces gos from -.- to :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
same here also :D
same here :D
id fucked up servers
Server issues. Didn't they change the filters or something as well (although I seem to remember thinking that the change would allow me to see MORE servers, not less(?)).
wooho boring game is boring
don't cry ET will soften your fall
I tried to like this game and i failed
ur not alone who tried it :)
Im still trying but its crap !!
Have they even released the Linux server binaries yet?
This wouldn't surprise me but they did update the server filters :)
Alot of servers are crashing because of the new ESL config, go and check in 1 week or so when the config is updated :)
It was so promesing. but its kinda early to call it a dead game.
lets hope so.
i guess in some months its dead and ET shines as bright as at it's birth!
Should get the people that cant/dont want to play brink anymore in contact with ET :PPP
I've never seen more than 650-ish servers, ever, and I've played it every day since release, and there were certainly as many if not more servers last night than any night so far ...
the problem on amount of servers is that most servers are not dedicated. Though steam stats posted by Venkman speaks for itself this number is not accurate
steam update
dedi servers disconnect a few times a day, they didn't fix that yet
same here :D
I have 2 servers that are normally up. Both down and I cba to sort them :D
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