Brink fps very unstable > Ati? (.nl)

Already read some forums about this, and I read that ati wasn't good for brink or something.
My fps is jumping from 30 > 120, and I already use the most shittiest config there is.

my config:
// Brink FPS CFG, by syncore in #brink on (steam: triqedout)
// Constantly updated & available at: http:///
// Official PasteBin URL:
// *LAST UPDATED* on 05/24/2011, 03:50 AM EST

// com_
// ----------------------

seta com_allowConsole "1" // allow toggling console with the tilde key
seta com_machineSpec "0" // hardware classification, -1 = not detected, 0 = low quality, 1 = medium quality, 2 = high quality
seta com_showFPS "1" // show frames rendered per second
seta com_useFastVidRestart "1" // allow use of fast vid restarts
seta con_speed "0" // speed at which the console moves up and down
seta com_skipWarnings "1" // skip all warnings

// g_
// ----------------------

seta g_enemyTintEnabled "1" // enables/disables enemy color tinting, client side.
seta g_loadScreenWait "0" // 0 = finish early. 1 = wait for all composites loaded. 2 = wait for user input or sound finished. 3 = always wait for user input. 4 = wait for user input or sound finished
seta g_showPlayerShadow "0" // enables shadow of player model
seta g_friendlycolor "0 1 0 .25" // color of friendly units (green)

// image_
// ----------------------

seta image_lodbias "1" // change lod bias on mipmapped images
seta image_anisotropy "1" // set the maximum texture anisotropy if available
seta image_filter "GL_NEAREST" // changes texture filtering on mipmapped images -- examples below:

//GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: No interpolation at all. Very ugly, very fast.
//GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: Bilinear interpolation. Makes the textures looks smoother. Best compromise for speed and visuals.
//GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: Trilinear interpolation (i.e. it interpolates into the 3rd dimension, too). Less flicker on the screen.

// in_
// ----------------------

seta in_toggleSprint "1" // pressing _sprint button toggles run on/off

// m_
// ----------------------

seta m_rawInput "1" // use Raw Input API for mouse input
seta m_smooth "1" // number of samples blended for mouse viewing

// net_
// ----------------------

seta net_clientMaxRate "35000" // maximum rate requested by client from server in bytes/sec
seta net_clientPrediction "30" // additional client side prediction in milliseconds
seta net_serverListMaxResults "1500" // number of results returned to the server browser -- lower this if you lag out
seta net_serverVoipEnabled "1" // enable/disable VoIP
seta net_serverVoipQuality "6" // voIP quality level, from 1 to 10

// pm_
// ----------------------

seta pm_bobFixation "0" // turn on/off fixation compensation for eye bob (may fix some motion sickness)
seta pm_bobSkip "1" // disable all bobbing

// r_
// ----------------------

seta r_brightness ".7" // changes gamma tables, from 0.5 to 2
seta r_ccfAllowLATCCompression "1" // enables/disables LATC support for ccf images
//seta r_customaspectratioH "16" // horizontal custom aspect ratio (only applies if r_aspectratio is -1)
//seta r_customaspectratioV "9" // vertical custom aspect ratio (only applies if r_aspectratio is -1)
//seta r_aspectratio "-1" // aspect ratio. 0 is 4:3, 1 is 16:9, 2 is 16:10, 3 is 5:4. -1 uses r_customAspectRatioH and r_customAspectRatioV
//seta r_customheight "1080" // custom screen height (only applies if r_mode is -1)
//seta r_customwidth "1920" // custom screen width (only applies if r_mode is -1)
seta r_debugArrowStep "120" // step size of arrow cone line rotation in degrees
seta r_debugLineDepthTest "0" // perform depth test on debug lines
seta r_debugLineWidth "1" // width of debug lines
//seta r_displayrefresh "60" // optional display refresh rate option for vid mode
seta r_fullscreen "1" // fullscreen mode (1) or windowed mode (0)
seta r_gamma "1.4" // changes gamma tables, from 0.1 to 1.9
seta r_inhibitEXTGPP "0" // disable the GPU program params extension
//seta r_mode "-1" // video mode number (resolution). -1 is custom, as defined by r_customheight/r_customwidth
seta r_multiSamples "0" // number of anti-aliasing samples
seta r_normalizeNormalMaps "1" // Normalize normalmaps after lookup.
seta r_offsetfactor "1" // polygon offset parameter
seta r_offsetunits "-600" // polygon offset parameter, from -2000 to 2000
seta r_renderProgramLodDistance "-1" // sets global render program lod distance, from -1 to 1000
seta r_renderProgramLodFade "50" // sets global render program fade distance, from 1 to 2000
seta r_shaderPreferALU "1" // Use ALU instructions instead of textures in shaders.
seta r_shaderSkipSpecCubeMaps "1" // Use specular cube maps.
seta r_shadowPolygonFactor "0.3" // scale value for stencil shadow drawing
seta r_shadowPolygonFactorMT "0" // scale value for stencil shadow drawing (megadraw method 3)
seta r_shadowPolygonOffset "-5" // bias value added to depth test for stencil shadow drawing
seta r_shadowPolygonOffsetMT "-1" // bias value added to depth test for stencil shadow drawing (megadraw method 3)
seta r_shadows "0" // enable/disable shadows. large performance boost with shadows disabled
seta r_shadowsHighQuality "0" // enable high-quality shadows
seta r_skipAtmosInteractions "1" // skip all light/surface interaction drawing
seta r_skipPrePass "1" // skip pre-pass (and all the effects that depends on it, such as depth of field)
seta r_softParticles "0" // enable soft particles
seta r_swapInterval "0" // vertical sync -- lock fps to r_displayrefresh. 0=disabled, 1=enabled
seta r_trisColor "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0" // sets color of wireframe rendering in RGBA float format or in 0xRRGGBBAA hex format
seta r_useAlphaToCoverage "0" // Use alpha to coverage.
seta r_useAntiAliasing "0" // use FXAA Anti-aliasing
seta r_useDitherMask "0" // Dither out fading geometry
seta r_useHBAO "0" // use HBAO drawing
seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess "0" // enable high-quality post-processing
seta r_useMotionBlur "0" // use motion blur
seta r_useShadowFastParallel "1" // use optimized shadow rendering for parallel light sources (doesn’t make a speed difference and gives render errors)
seta r_useShadowInfinite "0" // use infinite shadows
seta r_useShadowMaps "0" // enable shadow mapped shadows (will fall back to stencil shadows, reloadDecls + map restart needed)
seta r_useThreadedRenderer "0" // Enabled multi-threaded renderer. (0 = off. 2 on. 1 debugging. In Brink, leave this at 0 for best performance. lolwut.)
seta r_visDistMult "1.2" // Pushes detail distance back a bit, from 0.8 to 1.2

// s_
// ----------------------

seta s_forceNumberOfSpeakers "2" // forces the number of speakers, even if hardware detection says that number is unavailable
seta s_globalFraction "1.0" // volume to all speakers when not spatialized
seta s_maxSoundsPerShader "3" // max sounds per shader, from 0 to 32
seta s_numberOfSpeakers "2" // number of speakers
seta s_subFraction "0.75" // volume to subwoofer in 5.1
seta s_volume_VoIPActive_dB "-20.0" // if game and VoIP using the same audio output device, duck the game audio by this amount in dB when the VoIP is active
seta s_volume_dB "0.0" // volume in dB

// ui_
// ----------------------

seta ui_autoreload "1" // if true, weapon is automatically reloaded when the clip is empty.
seta ui_crouchtoggle "0" // if true, the player toggle between crouching and standing, otherwise the player must hold to crouch.
seta ui_fov "95" // FOV: 70 is default, 110 is maximum
seta ui_ironSightToggle "1" // if true, the player toggle between iron-sighting, otherwise the player must hold to iron-sight.
seta ui_showgun "1" // 1 = show gun model on screen, 0 = hide gun model on screen
bind "5" "toggle ui_showgun; addchatline '^5toggling weapon model'" // bind to toggle weapon model

// vt_
// ----------------------

seta vt_lodBias "4" // virtual texture bias. this is basically the picmip cmd (seems to reset to 2 after 05/23/11 patch?)

// misc
// ----------------------

seta win_xpos "3" // horizontal position of window
seta win_ypos "22" // vertical position of window
seta testLightColor "1.0 1.0 1.0" // the light color to be used for a ‘testlight’

// clear the caches
// ----------------------

clearCCFModelCache //removes any old entries from the ccf model cache, so systems that don't use the cache can make use of them
clearGlyphCache //clears the glyph cache
clearLights //clears all lights
clearVirtualCache //clears physical cache, requiring all pages to be reloaded

// locked/protected commands
// will SD enable these in the future? regardless, optimal values are below. just in case.
// ----------------------

seta g_preloaddata "1" // enables/disables preloading data at startup -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta g_skipvieweffects "1" // skip damage and other view effects -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_ambientScale "2" // ambient cube mapping brightness -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_HBAONumDir "0" // HBAO num directions -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_HBAONumSteps "0" // HBAO num steps -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_screenFraction "2" // used for testing fill rate, the resolution of the entire screen can be changed -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_showAmbientLights "0" // show ambient light sources -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_skipAmbient "1" // bypasses all non-interaction drawing -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_skipAmbientLighting "1" // skip ambient lighting pass drawing -- * LOCKED/CHEAT PROTECTED*
seta r_skipAtmosphere "1" // skips atmosphere pass -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_skipBump "1" // uses a flat surface instead of the bump map -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_skipDeforms "1" // leave all deform materials in their original state -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_skipPostProcess "1" // skip post-process drawing -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_skipTranslucent "1" // skip the translucent interaction rendering -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_skipUpdates "1" // skip updates: 1 = don’t accept any entity or light updates, making everything static -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_skipparticles "1" // skip all particle systems -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_stateCache "0" // check state before upload to driver -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_testImageScale "1" // vertical scale of the testimage (screenspace normalized) -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_useDepthBoundsTest "0" // use depth bounds test to reduce shadow fill -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_useFrustumFarDistance "1" // if != 0 force the view frustum far distance to this distance -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta r_usePortals "0" // Use portals -- 1 = use portals to perform area culling, otherwise draw everything -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta s_shakeScale "0.0" // scales the camera shake -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta s_useOcclusion "0" // use sound occlusion -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta vt_anisotropy "1" // virtual texture max anisotropy -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*
seta vt_lodClamp "0" // clamp newly loaded tiles to a maximum virtual level, from 0 to 15. -- *LOCKED/PROTECTED*

My system:

Cooler Master Gladiator 600
Antec EarthWatts EA500 voeding
Asus P7H55D-M PRO s1156
Intel Quad Core i5 750 s1156
Kingston VR DDR3 1333 4GB Kit
Samsung HD F3 1TB 32MB SATAII
Asus EAH5770 CuCore/2DI/1GD5
Samsung SH-S223C DVD rewr zw SATA
Installatie OS icm assemblage

And Netherlands Nohead told me there was already a journal about it, and there is a tool for ati cards to give fps boost at brink.

Thnx in advance!
yes Ati_ isn't good enough for brink

deze gebruik ik, aspect ratio 16:10.
ik heb stable 50-60 fps. ligt aan de map etc.
ik zal eens even die driver downloaden
ik moest idd ook een driver update, anders kon ik het spel niet eens spelen :d.
Ja dat had ik ook. En had via die ati amd site 1 gedownload ofzo. Maar volgens mij is deze beter. Zal zo eens checken in brink:P
Heb trouwens voor brink ook nieuwe drivers al moeten installeren. En nu op sommige plekjes is men beeld wazig:D Normaal kon ik dat fixen met knopje onder men beeldscherm, maar nu blijven die plekjes zo.
pak een hamer en hit it!
my confit is better than this and im getting 30 Fps stable with an nvidia gfx card, go figure whats the prob! :(
can i have it pls pls pls :D i really need a 30 fps stable lol
Here's the latest drivers:

It should be better with it, i'm installing it now.
i've got even less than 30fps, even the latest Driver didnt help..
You can try lastest drivers for ATI cards (25/05/11):

This is a release of 11.5 a, developpers worked on it for games like Brink.

Edit: Tell me if u see any difference for your FPS.
playing with 30 fps, and still i enjoy it
got 75-80 fps stable , no problem for me
Tu veux jouer a Brink avec moi copain?
got 20 - 30

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