Rollin nerds with KRP soon.


Nzxt Phantom white
Corsair PSU 750w
Asus Sabertooth P67, Rev 3.0
Intel SB 2600K
2 x 4GB Kington HyperX DDR3 1600 Mhz
2 x Asus HD 6950 DirectCU II, 2GB
OCZ 120 GB Agility 3 Series SSD
Western Digital 2 TB Caviar Green

Das wassup.

You will get raped nabs :)
/com_maxfps 333
got stable 600 fps on radar (1680x1050 @ 120 hz) with this old i7 950, 2 x 6850, 6 gb ddr3 1333 & shit hdd =) i assume atleast stable 800 fps from ET : >
sick machine with fps unlocker
Nzxt Phantom white 140 EUR
Corsair PSU 750w 120 EUR
Asus Sabertooth P67, Rev 3.0 160 EUR
Intel SB 2600K 250 EUR
2 x 4GB Kington HyperX DDR3 1600 Mhz 90 EUR
2 x Asus HD 6950 DirectCU II, 2GB 480 EUR
OCZ 120 GB Agility 3 Series SSD 190 EUR
Western Digital 2 TB Caviar Green 70 EUR

Nerd spending 1500 EUR.

I'd change the title to Blowing money with KRP nerds, right now.
next time ask zenix, ahaha!
u mad cause u poor?!?!
actually when you know right people i paid only 1200 of it :) And if i got spare cash, i can buy a pc if i want. It doesnt make you nerd, you can program shit with fucking 100 $ laptop that runs notepad. I have 2 months of summer to drink all my other euros, thats not nerd.. happy now? =)
well he installed hacks to be good in a game, so whos the nerd now ;D
true, and the sad thing was that he still got owned :D
u will get mad moose disease when u check how it works with ET
Nzxt Phantom white 1.295,- NOK
Corsair PSU 750w 1.198,- NOK
Asus Sabertooth P67, Rev 3.0 1.390,- NOK
Intel SB 2600K 2.350,- NOK
2 x 4GB Kington HyperX DDR3 1600 Mhz 860,- NOK
2 x Asus HD 6950 DirectCU II, 2GB 2.195,- NOK
OCZ 120 GB Agility 3 Series SSD 1500,- NOK
Western Digital 2 TB Caviar Green 629,- NOK

Nerd spending 11 417 NOK
ITT:Nerds mad cuz they can't afford such PC.
I am sorry to dissappoint you but thats just 1 week of full time work :P
Hm 2 weeks* bit of a miscalculation :P unschooled work that is though.
you work 7 days a week or you make space ships for that salary. wich one is it? or you dont pay taxes. I assume that at your age you dont have high education enough to ask for ~3000 e / month :) or you jut play poker and that not a job :>
I dont ask the salary, i get it :P
yeah but still whats your job?
As I said unschooled work, mobile phone shit etc. But the salary is quite normal here in Norway so :P
hacker :) well yeah norway.. 10 e for pack of smokes..
I dont smoke so np =)
Good for you then :).
IBM Thinkpad with 32gb hard drive, cant run Minecraft without heavy lags.
Nzxt Phantom white 16240¥
Corsair PSU 750w 10440¥
Asus Sabertooth P67, Rev 3.0 18444¥
Intel SB 2600K 29000¥
2 x 4GB Kington HyperX DDR3 1600 Mhz 6960¥
2 x Asus HD 6950 DirectCU II, 2GB 53360¥
OCZ 120 GB Agility 3 Series SSD 23200¥
Western Digital 2 TB Caviar Green 7540¥

Nerd spending 165184 ¥
Im getting rolled by nerds with a cheap laptop :(

I still have pretty good life so Im not mad nor sad much!!!
welcome back, dont sell it this time!
thx I hope to see all dem hc nerds rollin with meh when i come back! kapaa is making comeback too but its a secret! ps. I sell it when better shit comes out @ next year :)
nice summer plan dude
more skandenberg contests please
you that 750watts isnt enough to power that system. you need atleast 850 watts
nope. I got corsair 650w atm with i7 950 / 2 x HD6850 and works fine :) With i7 970 and 2 x 6950 Power consumption is around 500 w for whole pc :) so my 750w could run 3 cards easily even with 2600k :)
yea but thats only good If you dont wanna keep the PSU for more then 1 year coz naturally the PSU looses some of its wattage over time.
well it can kill over 150 w and still can handle itself :) and if you buy good psu, thats not a problem. And i usually upgrade my pc every summer.. :) Basically good PSU would be something that is ~100 w over the max consumption of the pc. I got 250 w+ for my pc so it will work fine for next 2 years or more. That 850w+ is just some random overkilling from early crossfire era where indeed you needed 1kw for running fx-60 & 2 x X850xt. nowadays main goal for intel/amd/nvidia is to make better shit with lower power consumption. Unless i rape my cpu and gpu's to max clocks, yeah 750w forks just fine for next 2-3 years.

e: and yeah it doesnt give 750w 24/7 but if u got 80+ psu it will give alot more close to that than normal psu
well im only saying according to a PSU calculator. if im right 1 card needs atleast 500-650 watts.
ATi/NVIDIA gives TDP around 350 for top cards (6990 / 590).

Muropaketti tested both and those are most heavy single cards there is.

As you can see that fastest single core cards (6970 etc) will work easily with 450w PSU if you got even newest SB parts etc.

Here is few tests for 6950 CF;

All tests indicate that 6950 CF setup uses around 430w-480w @ max.

So imo 850w would be overkill and 750 is easily enough. And no it wont die after 1 year of use.
No, not at all. It's not even close to not enough.
lol u know much about electronics i can see that. :DD

unless you wanna change the PSU every year YES U DO NEED MORE THEN THAT MINIMUM is that watts
I will not argue with a 16 year old babe that thinks knows the best. One day when you finish something that is not history and geography we can resume this conversation.
tell me about it. im doing diploma in IT so ur argument is invalid.
At your age, with the amount of maths and physics you have seen, if you have at all, your IT diploma is worth less than a zero. I'm a Computer Engineer and I'm finishing this year Master in Electrical Engineering. Now you talk.
worth less then zero sure. ever heard of BCS? it is known through the world.
im sorry to both of you but your education status isnt any meter to make your points valid.. I only have basic datacommunication degree.. but its been like 10 years since i had build my first pc.. =) experience > school boys ;)
It's been about the same time since I've build my first pc too, back in 1999 specifically, along pentium 3 release and it's more friendly structure. I've gone trough 7 PSU's and 6 projects since then, thus I wasn't even going to unwrap the education status war in the first place as it indeed doesn't -absolutely- make any argument valid, it's the easiest and a non-sense runaway to strengthen your position with an irrelevant diploma.
i would just use some nerd url's ;)
yea but u said my diploma is worth nothing which is insulting considering i paid for this education.
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