Computer hacker?

Quote6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school.

If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this is not acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed. You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school.

I hope he isn't serious ;s
If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites.

lol that is the biggest crap ever :x
2 years ago we had a RTCW/ET-Lan next to Tübingen (near Stuttgart). They wrote in the newspaper that gamers ability to make children is disappearing, gamers r living in a completely different world loosing all relations to the society and and and. funniest part of the article was that they were scared of our nicknames like God, Tiger and stuff^^
some weeks later they had to write an excuse officially :P
i fear it is, for the press videogames r still the reason fior massacres and wrong-educated children :/
It's all true.
O M F G !

QuoteThe safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day.

u gotta be kidding me
lol :p ~ 1 war a day :>
It's a joke.

QuoteBSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War.

even if it isnt meant to be one
Funny guy who wrote that. xD
Yes it it serious, never underrate Americans stupidity. I read an article about global warming, according to them, its not heating up, its cooling down! VERY NIICE
damn i am not violent but i would kill that guy bare handed for being such a fucktard :p
but imo it can only be a joke no one in the world can be such a cunt.
QuoteIf your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.

i lolled
nice sense of humour you got there people
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