cursing on foreign languages

so today on english class we were doing some stupid 2easy tasks as usual (I mentioned once before that english on my 2nd uni year is really funny. we do tasks that are justing insulting for any average intelligence) and I was annoyed with the teacher's stupidity as usual. she had given the task and asked: "everybody knows what they need to do?". I said to the friend sitting next to me in some semi - loud voice: "who gives a fucking shit about ur task (on english ofc). she obviously heard me and kicked me out of the classroom, saying "no decency at all", "ur parents must be proud" etc. ofc I didn't care cause she an insane complexed bitch.

the point of this journal is: how can swearing on a foreign language have the same "weight" as swearing on ur native language? my answer it can't. it can't be the same if u say "shit" on english or ur native language.

if I said that curse on croatian I would've prolly visited the dean and got suspended or something worse :)

do u agree with me? why not? :P

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after german!
btw ich finde hurensohn schlimmer als motherfucker :O

hi2u ;)
hurensohn =/= motherfucker :PP
i know? but it is in german in my language harder for me:o
The exact meaning isn't the same, but they are used similiarly enough to be considered as proper translations of each other.
as my mother language is Germany i have to dissapoint you! your argument is invalid!
I understand just enough German to figure out that 'hurensohn' is pretty much used in the exactly same contexts by German-speakers as motherfucker is by English-speakers. Of course the literal translation would be son-of-a-whore (or son-of-a-bitch, whichever suits you better) I guess, but seeing that pretty much no two languages can or should be translated literally like that, motherfucker is a pretty accurate translation.

Or what do you suggest?
If you can't concentrate long enough to read a 72-word post with three sentences you should really, really seek help.
hi2u2 ;)

mit "hurensohn" ist komisch. das sagt bei uns keiner außer die ghettokinder. die meisten deutschen die ich ausm internet kenne benutzen das wort die ganze zeit. kann aber auch am alter liegen :P
it's like he's rawring all the time :DD
justing insulting

swearing in w/e language is meant by the person whos saying it as swearing

maybe she didnt get it so u just had to left otherwise no reason imo to got suspended just of a sentence.
schnee did u click on the "fine ass"? I know u did :P
to see how i can call mine ofc :D!
"my precious" right? :PP
Looks like yours? If so, meet me in the admin room of my LAN xxx
u cannot have same ass as someone else :PPP
cu at lan booooooooooy
reading this i think you ought to stop swearing in any language and study a tiny bit harder!

if some polish guy comes up to me in the street and starts swearing at me in polish i'll react the same as i would if someone did the same in english (run away crying)
liar, u'd kill him with ur superior intellect... oh wait
you can't kill someone with your intellect because if the gap is big enough for that to work they won't understand whats going on anyway
I agree with unblind, next time just do the bloody task cos your English isn't of that level to be complacent and insulting.

And you're in university, why would you say something like that aloud? Very disrespectful and more a thing for a teenager to do than somebody who's supposed to have some intellect and maturity.

Besides, university is not obligatory. If you don't like it, don't attend classes.
jesus, u must be older than unblind.
Don't know how old unblind is, but I'm 25 years old.

Was like that in highschool and I'm quite embarassed when I look back at my time there. Besides, university is a privilege that costs a lot of money. Why throw that away?
Haha, you capitalist-pigs. Here in wonderland government pays people to go to the uni :)
Yeah stealing the ideas of Denmark..

In Belgium you can request a scholarship, and most people receive (a part of) them but unless you get the full 100%, it's not enough to cover all the costs.

Then again, it's not that strange that people who still largely depend on the hunting of reindeer and polarbears for food and clothes receive sponsorship from their government ;-p
Students get around 350-500€ per month, depending from the rents. Basically you can pay your rent and get some money for food. Around 50-75% of students work part-time or full-time at the same time.
I can't put a number on it, because I was one of those lucky guys who got the 100% scholarship (so I actually can put a number on that: ~2.800 € if you hire a place to stay in the city you're studying in, or ~1.800 € if you stay at your parents home), but I've no idea what the amount of money is one receives when in another financial situation at home.

And here in Belgium you receive all the money at once!

Edit: And there are quite a lot of Belgian students working as well!
2800€ annually, monthly or each semester?
That's not very much. I get 597€ a month, of which I have to pay back half, a couple of years after finishing university. But the amount is up to everyones' family income. Thank God we're poor.
Why do you attend in the first place?

Also your text is not grammatically perfect. Maybe those lessons would do you some good.
Can't really believe you're 20 years old :P Fucking immature man, go back to selling your peaches.
on > in > at

Why do people mix them up?
i often have to think about what to use. blame us foreigners :(
yea its weird and every nationality seems to do it too!
you cant swear in Switzerland..
fine ass idd
my answer it can't.
Are you seriously in 2nd year of Uni studying English? lol :)
Perhaps you should concentrate harder in class, it's supposed to be "in English"
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